Donald Trump Jr. tested positive for coronavirus this week and President Donald Trump took to Twitter to let the world know that his son is doing “very well.”

Donald Trump Jr. has been seen not wearing a mask in public many times, including election night. Mark Meadows, the White House Chief of Staff, tested positive for the virus later that week and was also seen not wearing a mask that night.

Donald Trump Jr. is said to be asymptomatic but is quarantining and taking the necessary precautions so he doesn’t infect anyone else, according to the Associated Press.

President Trump tweeted on Friday and said, “My son Donald is doing very well. Thank you!”

In October, the President, first lady Melania Trump and their son, Barron, recovered from the virus in miraculous time. This is when President Trump told Americans to not fear the virus, while he was on the drug, dexamethasone.

After tweeting his coronavirus opinions, he received backlash and many were upset that he was brushing off the millions of lives lost, globally. President Trump has also been seen making fun of Joe Biden for wearing a mask.

Twitter users responded to President Trump’s tweet about his son’s condition, and many people didn’t seem to care.

Others are curious if he cares about the other Americans that have died.

A few others closest to the President that have tested positive within the last few months include Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, former Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie, Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle and more staff of the White House.

There have been over 12 million cases just in the U.S. and over 254K deaths.

Donald Trump Jr. speaking during the first day of the Republican convention in Washington
Donald Trump Jr. speaking during the first day of the Republican convention in Washington AFP / Olivier DOULIERY