• Prince Charles loves to talk about his opinions
  • Prince Charles always shares his thoughts to other people
  • Prince Charles has one personality trait that's not ideal for the monarchy 

Prince Charles is gearing up for the day when he could be crowned as king.

But a royal expert recently said that the heir to the throne possesses one trait that isn’t necessarily ideal for the monarchy.

“The Crown” creator Peter Morgan told Express that Prince Charles doesn’t have a platform where he could talk about his thoughts, and that’s one the things that he struggles with.

“It’s hard to remain silent when you have opinions, and he has a lot of opinions about everything. His memos are legendary. He expresses his opinions to just about everybody and anyone that will listen. It’s not necessarily ideal for the monarchy, but it does make him a more interesting person,” Morgan said.

The series creator went on to say that Prince Charles is an independent thinker, and this is something that the monarchy isn’t particularly fond of.

Meanwhile, Prince Charles also made headlines this week after it was his revealed that his younger sister, Princess Anne, has been dubbed as more honest than him.

In the Channel 4 documentary “The Real Princess Anne,” Joy Billington, a Washington journalist said that Princess Anne never hid her feelings, which makes her more honest than her brother.

On one occasion, Princess Royal was asked to comment on the Washington monument, but instead of giving a concrete answer, she told the reporters that she doesn’t give interviews. As such, she has been dubbed as ill-tempered and sulky.

Royal author Kitty Kelley said that Prince Charles managed to win the hearts of photographers and interviewers because he always smiled at them and swatted them like flies. However, this doesn’t mean that he was always being honest.

Prince Charles and Princess Anne have always been compared to each other by experts because of their different personalities. And it seems that history is repeating itself with Prince William and Prince Harry.

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