Prince William once hid Prince George and Princess Charlotte from the public, but the dad of three didn’t receive as much flak as Prince Harry did. The Duke of Sussex and his wife were recently accused of hiding Archie from the entire world.

In 2016, the Duke of Cambridge said that he’s worried about the future of his two children. At that time, he and Kate Middleton announced their decision to move to Anmer Hall permanently.

According to Express, the announcement made royal fans think that the second in line to the throne was taking his family away from the spotlight. But in an article she wrote for Vanity Fair, royal expert Katie Nicholl was informed by a palace source that Prince William came up with the decision to ensure his family’s safety.

And during his interview with BBC, the dad of three said that he is focusing very much on his role as a father.

“I’m a new father and I take my duties and my responsibilities to my family very seriously and I want to bring my children up as good people with the idea of service and duty to others as very important,” he said.

“It is this worry, say, friends, which lies behind the Cambridges' controversial decision to hide away from the public gaze in Norfolk,” Nicholl said.

Even though Prince William and Middleton were criticized for their decision, the negative comments that they received were not as much as what Prince Harry and Markle received. And the reason for this may have something to do with the royal siblings’ future role.

Weeks ago, Prince Harry was criticized for taking a private jet due, which was done out of fear for his wife and son’s safety. But critics noted the fact that Prince William, a future King, was able to take a commercial flight to Scotland.

Since Prince William’s role is much higher than what Prince Harry will ever be, the public also thinks that the former has more right to demand his children’s safety and privacy.

Prince William, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Kate Middleton
Prince William, Prince George, Kate Middleton and Princess Charlotte arrive at the Victoria Airport on Sept. 24, 2016 in Victoria, Canada. Getty Images/Chris Jackson