• Princess Diana's charm always worked for the camera
  • The Princess of Wales died in 1997
  • The death left her children, Princes Harry and William, devastated

Princess Diana was known to be kind and down-to-earth by British citizens and fans of the late royal from around the world, which was why her moniker “the people’s princess” was only fitting. A royal photographer has also complimented the late member of the royal family and revealed how she was at work.

Tim Rooke, who snapped photos of Princess Diana, narrated how boring things may get with what they do, but the mother of Princes William and Harry would know what to do for the perfect shot, Us Weekly reported.

“What the Princess of Wales used to do, she would always just turn before she went into the building, so she’d just look at you at the last second, and it always produced great pictures,” the photographer said.

Rooke went on to narrate what happened on Princess Diana’s last birthday where she went to the Tate Gallery. Right before she entered, the Princess of Wales turned and produced a great picture.

“She was a very warm person,” Rooke said of Princess Diana.

He further compared Princess Diana with younger royals, who greet people as a sign of politeness. However, with the wife of Prince Charles, it was a different story. Her pictures would come out great as she never pretended and was always herself. “It was great because you always knew you’d get a picture,” the photographer added.

Rooke is famous for capturing Prince Charles in action after the demise of Princess Diana, often going with the Prince of Wales in his trip across the globe. The photographer claimed that his subject is game for taking pictures and would do things in front of the camera, including wearing hats.

Princess Diana died in a car crash in Paris in 1997 just as she was avoiding the paparazzi who were following her. Her children, Princes William and Harry, were only 15 and 12, respectively, making it hard for them to accept their mother’s fate.

It had taken a toll on the siblings and had left them scarred for the rest of their lives. Prince Harry has been vocal when it comes to his mental health struggles brought about by Princess Diana’s death, revealing that he concealed his emotions for 20 years, Forbes reported.

Princess Diana
Britain’s Princess Diana arrives on Oct. 4, 1990 for a charity gala at the Departmental Auditorium in Washington. Kevin Larkin/AFP/Getty Images