Even though the Apple iPhone 5 had the biggest launch in the company’s history, not everybody is completely happy with the product. Most notably, Apple users lament the loss of the Google Maps app, calling Apple’s alternative inferior. To correct that, Apple appears to be recruiting ex-members of the Google Maps team.
Google announced a new tool called Google Maps Coordinate on Friday, which helps businesses coordinate tasks and locations via the easy-to-use Google Maps platform. With more than 1.3 billion workers -- 37.2 percent of the total workforce -- expected to be completely mobile by 2015, Google's solution seeks to help businesses communicate with their employees in the field and deploy them with the user-friendly Maps app.
Google Inc has been fined $25,000 for impeding a U.S. investigation into the Web search leader's data collection for its Street View project, which allows users to see street level images when they map a location.
People all across the globe can now take a 360-degree tour of the White House from the comfort of their own homes as the Google Art Project has collaborated with the historic house to create a virtual Google Maps-like tour of the place.
Google's latest April Fools' Day prank turns Google Maps into an 8-bit video game playable on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).
Google Play made its official debut on Tuesday, March 27, after a soft opening earlier this month. The Android Marketplace, where Google smartphone users went for apps, has been re-branded as the Google Play store. Google made the switch on March 6, 2012, releasing a short video on YouTube and redirecting users from the old web site, market.android.com, to the new Google Play homepage. Google also put dozens of apps and games on sale for just 49 cents in celebration of the shift.
Google rushed out its panoramic Street View maps in Thailand on Friday as part of the country's efforts to show tourist hot spots have recovered from last year's floods.
Apple's actions are day-by-day making it clear that the world's most valuable company is separating from Google. Earlier reports indicated that Apple was parting ways with Google Maps in iPhoto and now, according to the latest reports, Baidu is going to be the default search engine for iOS device in China.
The Android Marketplace, where Google smartphone users went for apps, has been re-branded as the Google Play store. Google made the switch on March 6, 2012, releasing a short video on YouTube and redirecting users from the old web site, market.android.com, to the new Google Play homepage. Google also put dozens of apps and games on sale for just 49 cents in celebration of the shift.
Google is set to launch a Google Maps-based game.
The Google Maps site new satellite image of an isolated airstrip in Nevada shows a secret and operational military bases with unmanned air vehicle test facility.
Google Maps has been helping people find the nearest train station or Starbucks for several years. Now, it can help you find the nearest restroom at an airport or the men's department at Macy's.
Google Maps will begin to offer 3D views of business interiors.
Google set to enforce Map API usage limitations and fees next year.
Apple Inc. appears to be bolstering its mapping-technology arsenal to better compete with Google Inc. on that front by reportedly purchasing a Sweden-based 3-D mapping company called C3 Technologies.
Google is building on top of the allure of its new social network, Google+, with the release of an updated app that will work on all Apple devices.
Google Realtime Search, which was disabled for the launch of Google+ is being revived once again to feature data from Google+, Facebook, Twitter and other social sources.
A report says Google+ is requiring real names to set a positive tone on its new social networking site. A company spokesman says Google+ is working on a way to allow pseudonyms.
Google Inc has removed excerpts of customer reviews from sites such as Yelp and TripAdvisor from Google Places, its competing online service aimed at helping consumers search for local businesses.
Google Inc has removed excerpts of customer reviews from sites such as Yelp and TripAdvisor from Google Places, its competing online service aimed at helping consumers search for local businesses.
Internet giant Google provides its users now with free of charge traffic warnings. Through the map function of its search portal Google Maps real time traffic information for 13 countries including United States, France, Britain, Australia, and Canada is displayed.
Google Maps now has come up with live traffic info in 13 additional European countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and Switzerland.