Knight Capital

Knight Capital's Woes Continue as Stock Plummets, Issues Defect Market Marker

Knight Capital Group Inc. (NYSE:KCG) saw shares in the company drop precipitously early Monday -- at one point losing over 7 percent of their value -- as the bruised-up broker-dealer continued to pick itself up less than two weeks after a trading algorithm gone berserk saddled the firm with $440 million in losses.

Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Puts Elderly US Voters In Spotlight

Elderly Voters
By selecting U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., to be his running mate, 2012 presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee Mitt Romney has also elevated Ryan's plan to reform Medicare, putting in play elderly voters who are skeptical of attempts to reform the cherished senior citizen health care program.
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The Chicago PMI continues to signal economic recovery for the region, although some business have become worried about rising energy costs

US Gas Prices Won't Drop Until October - Analyst

Gasoline production issues and tensions between Iran and Israel have sent U.S. gasoline prices above $4 per gallon in some cities, and prices likely won't fall until October, according to gasoline analysts.
Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis

Vanessa Paradis Scolds Interviewer For Asking About Johnny Depp Split

French singer-actress Vanessa Paradis was all business during a recent interview with French Elle magazine while promoting her latest film, "Cornouaille." But when asked about her much-publicized split from longtime love Johnny Depp, Paradis immediately put the kibosh on what she obviously perceived as a personal intrusion.
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Racial Profiling Rampant At TSA: Report

A new program intended to identify potential terrorists has led to systemic racial profiling at Boston's Logan International airport, Transportation Security Administration officials told the New York Times.
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Technology Focus: Curiosity On Mars Another Legacy Of JFK

Last week’s successful landing of the Mars Science Laboratory, better-known as Curiosity, represented a triumph in aeronautical and electrical engineering. Now the nine-foot, six-wheeled rover will use its instruments to make “Mars-shaking” discoveries in geology, meteorology and chemistry.
Apple iPad Mini: 3 Ways Amazon, Barnes & Noble Can Avoid The Death Knell

Apple iPad Mini: 3 Ways Amazon, Barnes & Noble Can Avoid The Death Knell

For about a year, and Barnes & Noble were almost completely alone in the 7-inch tablet market. It was nice while it lasted. The past few months have seen Google and Microsoft unveil their 7-inch tablet offerings, and it looks like Apple is about ready to get into the minitablet game, too.

The Bald Truth: How Nazi Skinheads Co-Opted A Youth Subculture

Wade Michael Page, the 40-year-old alleged killer, had been involved with white-supremacist hate groups for at least a decade. His arms and torso were swaddled with tattoos, many containing racist and neo-Nazi symbolism. He played bass in a white-power hardcore band called End Apathy. He was angry, frustrated, disillusioned. He was also a skinhead -- but that almost goes without saying.
Andrew Cuomo and Benjamin Lawsky (L)

Who Is Benjamin Lawsky? Little-Known Regulator Who Savaged Standard Chartered Stokes His - And Andrew Cuomo's - Political Dreams

When Benjamin Lawsky formally accused U.K.'s Standard Chartered bank of money laundering and a cover-up linked to Iranian financial institutions, the head of New York's newly formed Department of Financial Services was hardly described in glowing terms in the press. He was termed a rogue, an egomaniac and worse by unnamed scorned colleagues in New York and Washington. But in describing his ambitions, what these reports failed to take into account was the depth of his and Governor Andrew C...
Apple iPhone 5 Rumors: $800 Starting Price? Fat Chance

Apple iPhone 5 Rumors: 15 Brilliant Concept Designs We're Still Hoping For [PICTURES]

We're about a month away from the alleged reveal of the iPhone 5 which will reportedly take place at an Apple media event planned for Wednesday, Sept. 12. But what if every rumor up until now has been fake? What if all of these reports were planted by Apple to throw us off the scent? For more than a year, designers across the Internet have dreamed up their own ideas and concept designs for what they thought Apple should do with the iPhone 5. Who knows? Maybe Apple will actually listen to one ...
Mitt Romney Gets Another Big Endorsement: Paul Ryan

Five Paul Ryan Positions Americans May Hate

By picking Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as his running mate Saturday, Mitt Romney signaled that he was trying to put a fresh face on his campaign for his core demographic of conservative voters. But Ryan comes with some positions that many moderate or liberal voters may hate, and even some conservatives too.
Amy Adams has strawberry blond hair

Amy Adams' Hair-Raising New Role

The enchanting Amy Adams ditched her usual glam apparel for more matronly clothing as the Baker's Wife in Shakespeare in the Park's revival of Stephen Sondheim's "Into The Woods" at the Delacorte Theater in New York's Central Park.
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Conor Kennedy Meets Taylor Swift's Parents [PHOTO]

Taylor Swift and Conor Kennedy have not publicly confirmed their relationship, but after Kennedy was spotted eating some local grub with Swift's parents in Nashville, it seems like the couple is all but sky writing it, the New York Daily News reported.


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