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Which US Airports Are Most Likely To Spread Disease?

Just how quickly can a disease spread across the globe through international air travel? That?s the focus of a new study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that was published in the journal PLoS One last week.

Bucking NRA-Backed Law, Democrats Want To Ban Online Sales Of Ammunition

On the heels of a gruesome theater shooting in Colorado and with estimates that 48,000 Americans could be killed by guns in the next four years, two Democratic lawmakers have proposed a legislation to ban the online sales of ammunition in order to prevent potential mass murderers from stocking up.
2012 London Olympics

How Fans Are Avoiding NBC's 2012 Olympics Streaming Restrictions

The 2012 Olympics are available to watch via online live stream, but viewers must have paid subscriptions in order to experience all the action on the NBC site. As often happens in this age of Internet neutrality, many London Games fans have found ways to get around NBC's streaming restrictions, as documented in a Monday article by Reuters.
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Olivia Munn Has Anxiety Disorder Trichotillomania: 'I Rip Out My Eyelashes'

Actress Olivia Munn has went public announced that she has a rare anxiety disorder called trichotillomania during an interview with The New York Daily News. "I don't bite my nails, but I rip out my eyelashes," the 32-year-old actress explained to the Daily News . "It doesn't hurt, but it's really annoying. Every time I run out of the house, I have to stop and pick up a whole set of fake eyelashes."
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Jonah Lehrer, Stephen Glass And The Elusive Truth

Jonah Lehrer, the now former New Yorker writer and best-selling author, was caught making up Bob Dylan quotes in his book "Imagine" by Michael Moynihan in Tablet magazine. Lehrer's rise and fall also matches that of Stephen Glass, a writer who invented sources and plagiarized material nearly a decade earlier at the New Republic.

Ross Levinsohn Leaves Yahoo: A Triumph of Tech Over Media?

Ross Levinsohn, the former interim CEO of Yahoo! Inc. (Nasdaq: YHOO) has left the company after it hired Marissa Mayer from Google Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG) as its new chief executive, All Things D reported, suggesting the Silicon Valley giant's focus on its technology division over its media properties.


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