baby mom

Most New Moms Don't Meet Own Breastfeeding Goals [STUDY]

Researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that several factors influenced whether mothers of newborns would stick to their plan to breastfeed only, including actions by hospital staff in the first hours and days after delivery.
Whitewater-Baldy Complex Wildfire, Gila National Forest, New Mexico, June 2, 2012

Gila: Monster Of A Wildfire Still Being Battled In N.M. [PHOTOS]

The biggest wildfire in the history of New Mexico continues to burn, but the ghosts of Mogollon appear safe from having their ectoplasm singed, at least for another tourist season. The Catron County Sheriff's Office will lift on Monday an evacuation order for the ghost town.
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Hospitals Fight Drug Scarcity, Fear Patients Harmed

The growing scarcity of sterile, injectable drugs is one of the biggest issues confronting hospitals across the country, and will be a key issue at the annual American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting in Chicago this weekend.
U.S. Treasuries have been hitting historically low yields on a daily basis. Now, Lawrence Dyer, a New York-based rates strategist for British giant bank HSBC says should soon fall to 1.32 percent or lower.

How Low Can They Go? Forecaster Sees T-note Yield Falling To 1.32%

Following a high-volatility period over that past few days that has seen the political situation in Greece worsen, highly disappointing economic data prints in the U.S. and China and -- most prominently -- a surprise banking crisis in Spain, U.S. Treasuries have been hitting historically low yields on a daily basis. Lawrence Dyer, a New York-based rates strategist for British giant bank HSBC says should soon fall to 1.32 percent or lower.
Bodies of four slain men are seen in Tegucigalpa

Honduras: The Bloodiest Nation In The World

In 2011, this tiny nation of only 8-million people recorded 86 murders per 100,000 inhabitants (the highest rate on the planet), up from 82 in the prior year, and double the rate from just six years ago


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