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Apple's new iPad

Apple Shares Ease On Tax Story, Microsoft-Nook Deal

Shares of Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), the world's most valuable technology company, fell 3 percent after Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT), the world's biggest software company, and Barnes & Noble (NYSE: BKS) announced a new partnership to battle the iPad.
Barnes & Noble

Microsoft, Barnes & Noble Ink New Nook Tie-up

Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT), the world's biggest software company, and Barnes & Noble (NYSE: BKS), said they?ve agreed to collaborate on new tablet technology to battle Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL), the world's most valuable technology company and (Nasdaq: AMZN).
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International Center Of Photography Features WeeGee, The Father Of Tabloid Coverage

The WeeGee: Murder is My Business exhibition includes a mix of raw imagery, crimes and news reports of the time; resulting in a truly graphic collection of photographs which pride themselves on being unshakable from the mind. Many of WeeGee's images, such as the Naked City, which is displayed at the center's museum in all its frightening glory- once inspired the early tabloid newspapers and are partly responsible for making tabloid journalism what it is today!
US Banking System

How To Prevent Another US Bank Bailout

Regarding its banking system, the United States has now experienced its third generation of heads the banks win, tails the taxpayer and the public loses.? Is there a better way? Is it possible to create a bank that serves the people of the United States?
Technicians monitor data flow in the control room of an internet service provider.

Technology Focus: ?Big Data? Goes Consumer, Too

It?s not just enterprises and government agencies that are already starting to benefit from the new era of so-called ?Big Data.? Consumers are already beneficiaries, even if they don?t know it.


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