Geithner Mulls Stepping Down: Report

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner
In order to take a break from government service, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is considering leaving his post after President Barack Obama and Congress reach an agreement on raising the national debt ceiling.
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Google Plus Screen Shot

China Blocks Google+ as Fear of Social Networks Persists

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Pollution continues to choke America’s beach waters

Pollution continues to choke America’s beaches

Beaches in America saw the second-highest number of closing and advisory days in 2010, highest in more than two decades, as pollution continues to plague beach waters across the country, a report released on Wednesday said.
Mayor Bloomberg.

Mayor Bloomberg Demands $600 Million From CityTime Contractor

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John Lennon

John Lennon: Right-Wing Reagan Republican?

Former Beatle John Lennon, one of the greatest icons of the 1960s peace movement, became a right-wing Republican and big fan of Ronald Reagan during the final years of his life, according to a man who worked as an assistant for Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono.


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