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Huguette Clark Leaves Fortune to Arts, Nurse

Huguette Clark, the Montana copper mining heiress who died at 104 in New York last month has left most of her $400 million fortune to the arts, the Associated Press reported.
Flooding in the Midwest (1 of 9)

Minot, North Dakota Residents Flee Floodwaters

The mayor of Minot, North Dakota told 11,000 of the town's residents to pack up their belongings and move to higher ground as a deluge from the Souris River threatened to inundate the town.
Sheldon Silver

Amendments To Same Sex Marriage Being Drafted, Vote Uncertain

The Assembly speaker, Sheldon Silver said this afternoon after meeting with Gov. Andrew Cuomo for 90 minutes he and his Senate counterpart, Dean Skelos, the Senate majority leader have not yet worked out the details of a framework agreement containing a property tax cap, rent stabilization regulation and relief of municipal mandates.
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Chaos Literally Shakes Senate In Albany

Dueling protests caused pandemonium to fill the hallowed halls of the New York State Senate as the Republican conference met privately to discuss various agenda items including a possible floor vote on gay marriage.
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Iconic H&H Bagels on W. 80th St. to Close

The H&H Bagels store located on West 80th St. and Broadway will reportedly close. The iconic bagel store, which opened in 1972, has been featured on the television shows Seinfeld and Friends.
angel pagan safe at home mets

For Mets, the future hangs in the balance right now

A fire sale could stock the Mets' larder to the point of being overstuffed. It would also empty the seats at Citi Field even further this season, in a year with already poor attendance and dwindling revenue. So will the Mets be buyers or sellers?


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