Did Bristol Palin have plastic surgery?

Bristol Palin
When Bristol Palin appeared at the Candie's Foundation 2011 benefit gala on Tuesday in New York, people started speculating whether she has had some work done on her face.
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Obama Ground Zero Visit: What will He do?

President Barack Obama is not expected to make any public statements when he visits Ground Zero in New York on Thursday, just days after the announcement of the death of Osama Bin Laden after U.S. forces killed him in Pakistan.

Osama killing a 'perversion' of justice

US special operations forces killed Osama Bin Laden this past Thursday but the slaying is raising major concerns that the United States has gone too far in judge, juror and executioner of the world's most wanted man. Further more, the killing could work against the US to stir up more anti-American sentiment among radical militants.
U.S. President Barack Obama

White House : Obama to visit Ground Zero on Thursday

A day after Osama's death, US President Barak Obama has announced that he will visit Ground Zero in New York to meet the victims of 9/11 terror. Obama marked the anniversary of Sept. 11 at the Pentagon in each of his two years as president until now.


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