Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II is seen at the Chichester Theatre while visiting West Sussex on Nov. 30, 2017, in Chichester, United Kingdom. Getty Images/Stuart C. Wilson

Queen Elizabeth II once showed her fun side during her tour of South Africa in 1947.

Photos of Her Majesty have emerged showing how some sailors traveling on the ship HMS Vanguard held hands with the monarch. In another photo, one of the sailors wrapped his arm around the Queen.

Her Majesty was just 20 years old when she went on a tour of South Africa with her late father, King George VI, the Queen Mother, and her younger sister, Princess Margaret.

In her book “Queen Elizabeth II: Her Life In Our Times,” royal author Sarah Bradford said that the royal tour to South Africa had profound lifelong effects to the royal family and the monarchy.

However, even though the trip had a serious purpose behind it, the Queen still managed to enjoy herself. Photos taken of Her Majesty at that time showed a very different side to the usually serious-looking royal.

The Queen is all smiling in the photo where a handsome sailor wrapped his arm around her waist. The Queen is wearing a floral dress and her curly hair is let loose down her shoulders.

But the Queen wasn’t the only one that had a fun time during their tour. Princess Margaret was also photographed running around on the ship. The late royal is also wearing a dress during their outing. In the same photo, the monarch is smiling from ear to ear while looking at how much fun her younger sister is having.

Meanwhile, the Queen turned 21 years old while she was on tour with her family. The special day was declared as a holiday, and Her Majesty was gifted with a 21-stone necklace. While in South Africa, the Queen also gave an inspiring speech.

“It expressed what Elizabeth felt herself and would feel all her life, a sense of duty and dedication to the ties that bound Britain and the entity developing out of the empire into the Commonwealth,” Bradford said.