The Queen Is Putting An End To This Fashion Statement

Queen Elizabeth II isn’t as set in her ways as one might believe. The 93-year-old has decided she will no longer wear real fur—at least not in new outfits.
According to Buckingham Palace, the Queen will continue to re-wear older pieces that include real fur. However, she will not wear anything new that contains real fur.
“As new outfits are designed for the queen, any fur used will be fake,” a spokesperson said in a statement to Harper’s Bazaar. “We are not suggesting that all fur on existing outfits will be replaced, or that the queen will never wear fur again. The queen will continue to re-wear existing outfits in her wardrobe.”
Some fur has been replaced on existing outfits, though. In “The Other Side Of The Coin: The Queen, The Dresser And The Wardrobe,” written by the Queen’s dresser Angela Kelly, it was revealed that a coat the sovereign wore in Solvakia in 2008 that had a mink trim has since been altered to utilize fake fur, The Telegraph reports. Kelly noted in her book, which was released last week, that the Queen will use fake fur moving forward.
This does seem to reveal that Her Majesty has an opinion on fur. “Our Rainbow Queen: A Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II and Her Colorful Wardrobe” author Sali Hughes told Vanity Fair that fashion is one of the only places where Queen Elizabeth really gets to express her opinions.
“I’m very intrigued by the fact that Queen can never express an opinion. She never complains, never explains,” Hughes said. “I’m interested in how people express themselves to the outside world, and one of the only ways the Queen can do that is through her clothing.”
The Queen is known to be rather fond of animals. She has soft spots for horses and corgis.
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