Racial Gaps in Health Persist, Official Says on MLK Day

Racial disparities in health persist in Delaware, a public official said on Monday as she recalled a quote from a speech on healthcare inequity made by Martin Luther King Jr. more than 40 years ago.
The rate of baby deaths in Delaware is 2.6 times higher for blacks than for whites and blacks account for 62 percent of HIV cases in the state although the group is only 20 percent of the population, according to Karyl T. Rattay, director of the Delaware Division of Public Health.
Racial disparities in health persist in Delaware, a public official said on Monday as she recalled a quote from a speech on healthcare inequity made by Martin Luther King Jr. more than 40 years ago.
The rate of baby deaths in Delaware is 2.6 times higher for blacks than for whites and blacks account for 62 percent of HIV cases in the state although the group is only 20 percent of the population, according to Karyl T. Rattay, director of the Delaware Division of Public Health.
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