'Record Of Ragnarok' Chapter 52 Summary: The Turning Point [Spoilers]
- “Record of Ragnarok” Chapter 52 serves as the tipping point in the battle between Hajun and Buddha
- Hajun was able to beat Buddha down severely, destroying his divine weapon in the process
- Buddha transformed Zerofuku's broken Misery Cleaver into a new Volund, the Great Nirvana Sword
The first of a double chapter release for “Record of Ragnarok” was recently dropped in Japan, featuring the battle between Hajun and Buddha at its most tense and most exciting.
Picking up from last month’s action-packed release, “Record of Ragnarok” Chapter 52 continues the sixth bout with a plethora of hair-splitting close calls and a revelation that would ultimately lead to the end of the match. Here’s a quick summary of the latest events in the tournament of Ragnarok.
Chapter 52 Summary
After failing to end Hajun with the most powerful form of his weapon, Buddha has once again been backed into a corner with the demon slowly pushing for victory. With multiple wounds and one working eye, Buddha perseveres, taunting Hajun with his best smile.
The two engage in a one-sided assault, with Buddha deflecting Hajun’s onslaught of blows. As the audience prays for Buddha’s safety and the other gods look down upon their fellow deity’s pitiful state, Hades points out that the fire in Buddha’s eye is still well and alive, suggesting that he may yet have an ace up his sleeve.

Buddha refreshes his stance and beckons the titanic demon to come at him, causing the latter to fly into a rage. Hajun tears off his own arm and fashions a sword with it, giving him the edge he needs to deal a fatal blow to the god.
In a head-on joust against Buddha’s strongest attack, Hajun successfully managed to break his enemy’s blade before destroying it completely, leaving Buddha down and defenseless.
The once-confident god, now battered, bruised and broken, laid unarmed on the arena floor while the demon lord inched toward him with malicious intent. However, among the rubble, Buddha discovered the one thing that would lead to his victory: the handle of Zerofuku’s broken Misery Cleaver.
With another toothy grin on his face, Buddha laughed. Broken weapon in hand, Buddha called upon his former enemy’s spirit to forge a Volund on the spot.
As misery turned to compassion, Buddha re-entered the fray with the Great Nirvana Sword Zero, powered by the God of Fortune and Zerofuku himself, with one objective in mind: Divine Retribution.
Chapter 53 Predictions and Release Date
Fortunately for fans, this month comes with a dual chapter release. Chapter 53 concludes the Buddha’s fight against Hajun, paving the way for the seventh battle of Ragnarok with two new fighters.
It’s possible that the next match will feature Beelzebub as the fighter for the gods given how he was revealed before his scheduled match. However, it’s also possible for the next round to feature Okita Souji against Loki since both were previously featured during the intermission between matches five and six.
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