Christopher Zara

871-900 (out of 1443)

Christopher Zara is the deputy editor of media and culture. He joined IBT in June 2012. He was previously managing editor of Show Business, a magazine for New York City's performing arts industry. His writing has also appeared in the Independent, Salon, Newsweek, Mental Floss, Emmy magazine and elsewhere. Zara’s book "Tortured Artists" was released in 2012 by F+W Media and internationally by Burda Publishing in 2015. Email him at

Christopher Zara

Unpaid Interns Have A Right To A Fair Wage, And They’re Going To Keep On Suing Until They Get It

On Monday, Megan Willett of Business Insider clumsily attempted to make the case that unpaid interns should stop complaining about -- and suing over -- their unpaid internships. They are lucky to have jobs, as she puts it, even if those jobs are unpaid. It’s the kind of untenable argument that reminds one of Mayor Bloomberg’s assertion that New York’s carriage horses should be grateful for the opportunity to schlep tourists around Central Park in the middle of July.Putting aside for a minute the semantic paradox of calling an internship a “job,” Willett’s position ignores the unavoidable fact that many unpaid internships, as they exist today, are illegal -- particularly those in so-called glamour industries like media and entertainment. Except under the narrowest of conditions, unpaid internships violate federal and state labor laws, and no amount of winking, nodding and accepting them as “paying your dues” is going to change that.
