David Zielenziger

1051-1080 (out of 1405)

David Zielenziger is a veteran editor and journalist who has written for newspapers including the Baltimore Sun, Asian Wall Street Journal and EETimes, as well as for Bloomberg News, Reuters and Mergermarket. For years, he has followed all aspects of the global technology business community. He is a graduate of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University, where he was Chairman of the Daily Princetonian.

David Zielenziger

Technology Focus: Consumer Electronics Has More Consequences Than Fun

The $190 billion U.S. consumer electronics industry is about to began its annual winter extravaganza in Las Vegas where the latest toys, gadgets, smartphones, video games, TVs, cameras and laptops will be unveiled – some not to be available until late in 2012.The real story may be in improving people's lives.

Tech Patent Wars 2012: No Settlements in Sight

Technology companies appear likely to resume battle in 2012 on three major fronts of the patent wars: smartphone designs, operating systems and semiconductor chip sets. Despite passage of copyright reform under the America Invents Act in September, technology lawsuits persist and experienced lawyers worry that little will change.

Long Island Eye: Where are Nassau and Suffolk Headed in 2012 and Beyond?

What’s ahead for 2012? Obviously, change, some for the better and others for worse. Fortunately, the Island’s unemployment rate fell to 6.7 percent from 7.2 percent a year ago, the state labor department said. But its principal Long Island economist, Michael Crowell, said that may reflect a declining work force, with too many “discouraged workers” who’ve given up looking.
