IBT Staff Reporter

47821-47850 (out of 154943)

Chinese court rejects Apple lawsuit over iPad name

A court in southern China has rejected a lawsuit by Apple Inc, accusing a Chinese technology company of infringing its iPad trademark, a newspaper reported on Tuesday, the latest move in a protracted tug-of-war over the name.

Geithner doesn't see Fed funding IMF euro response

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said in Germany on Tuesday that the European Central Bank was playing a positive role in the euro zone debt crisis, but he played down talk that the U.S. Federal Reserve could boost IMF funding for the crisis.

Online uproar as India seeks social media screening

India has urged social network companies including Facebook, Twitter and Google to remove offensive material, unleashing a storm of criticism from Internet users complaining of censorship in the world's largest democracy.

Super Bowl champ Green Bay Packers stock sales brisk

Fans of the Super Bowl champion Green Bay Packers snapped up shares in the opening minutes of the team's public stock sale on Tuesday, slowing the website under demand for an ownership that conveys mainly bragging rights.

Kennedy Center Honors celebrates Streep, Diamond

President Barack Obama revealed a secret crush and Caroline Kennedy crooned to her namesake song on Sunday at the Kennedy Center Honors, which celebrated actress Meryl Streep and singer Neil Diamond.

Qihoo responds to Citron allegations

China's Qihoo 360 Technology Co denied once again a report that alleged the online services provider was either committing fraud or was misleading Wall Street about its revenue model.

11 Occupy protesters arrested in San Diego, Orlando

Police extended moves aimed at keeping anti-Wall street protesters from camping on Monday, arresting 11 people in Orlando and San Diego after a weekend clampdown in cities on both the East and West coasts netted scores of arrests.

Winehouse's Lioness opens up a too-empty vault

If you were praying Amy Winehouse at least left behind a lot of great unreleased material when she left us last August, prepare to have your hopes dashed by her posthumous release, Lioness: Hidden Treasures. As it turns out, Winehouse's vault couldn't be much emptier if Geraldo Rivera were shining a flashlight into it on live television.

Exclusive: Van Rompuy urges fast-track euro zone moves

Tighter oversight of euro zone fiscal policy can be achieved through minor, rapid adjustments to the EU treaty, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy told EU leaders in an interim report to be discussed at a summit on December 8-9.

German patent firm asks retailers to halt HTC sales

Patent firm IPCom said on Tuesday it had asked top German cellphone retailers to stop selling phones of HTC, threatening them with legal action, as HTC has not complied with a court ruling on injunction of its sales.
