IBT Staff Reporter

55111-55140 (out of 154943)

Greek budget draft sees deficit targets missed

Greece will miss deficit targets set just months ago in a massive bailout package, sources said citing a budget draft being adopted by the cabinet on Sunday, in a setback in Europe's efforts to stave off the country's bankruptcy.

Cook's time to shine with new Apple iPhone

Tim Cook finally gets his chance to stride out from under Steve Jobs' shadow, and he could not have picked a better time or device to mark his unofficial debut as Apple Inc's CEO.

China state media takes aim at U.S. currency bill

China's official news agency derided on Sunday U.S. lawmakers' efforts to pressure Beijing over its currency policy as expedient and shallow, saying they were resorting to an old habit of deflecting blame on China.

Slovak government challenged to find EFSF backing

Slovakia's ruling coalition will have to reallocate cabinet posts or face a snap election unless it can find its own majority in parliament for a crucial vote on the euro zone's rescue fund, the main opposition party Smer said on Sunday.

Greece due to unveil plan to sack state workers

Greece was expected to unveil its plan on Sunday to begin laying off state workers, the most contentious part of a reform package demanded by the EU and IMF to free up loans and stave off bankruptcy.

Big Bang Theory, Fox win TV ratings night

The Big Bang Theory was the top-rated show Thursday night as Fox won overall on the strength of X Factor, according to preliminary numbers. CBS's new How to Be a Gentleman lost much of its Big Bang lead-in, but held on to a decent rating.

Russell Brand is first guest on The Rosie Show

Rosie O'Donnell has confirmed via Twitter that Russell Brand, who she's called her current celebrity crush, will be the first guest on The Rosie Show, her OWN network talk show that debuts October 10.

The extremely loud and incredibly Oscar-baity trailer

In Oscar world, the biggest news of the week was probably the release of the first trailer for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, director Stephen Daldry's film version of the Jonathan Safran Foer novel set in New York City after 9/11. And while it's virtually impossible to tell how good a movie will be based on its trailer, it's safe to say that this one does scream Oscar Bait.

IMG board votes to oust Ovitz after failed bid

The advisory board of IMG held a conference call on Friday to discuss what to do about Michael Ovitz's play to take over company management, according to an individual with knowledge of the call.

Judge issues gag order in Jackson death trial

The judge in the manslaughter trial of Michael Jackson's doctor issued a sharply worded gag order for attorneys on Friday and ordered one of them to return for a possible contempt hearing after he appeared on a TV show telling details about the case.
