IBT Staff Reporter

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High chance of downgrade even if ceiling raised: S&P

The risk that the United States will lose its AAA credit rating in the next three months has risen considerably, even if lawmakers reach an agreement to raise the country's debt ceiling later this month, an S&P official said on Thursday.

S&P warns of downgrade if no debt deal reached

Ratings agency Standard & Poor's has warned there is a one-in-two chance it could cut the United States' prized AAA credit rating if a deal on raising the government's debt ceiling is not agreed soon.

Is Google's Chromebook a Success?

Google's Chromebook went on sale online one month ago, and although the giant internet company hasn't released an official sales figure, there is reason to believe it isn't doing so bad.

Carmageddon, The World's Largest Traffic Jam, Dooms Midnight Friday

Starting at midnight Friday, July 15th, 10 miles of the San Diego Interstate 405 Freeway will be closed. Rightfully named Carmageddon, the phenomenon will cloud Southern California with the closure of a portion of the most clogged freeway system in the city, all the way from the Hollywood Hills to the 10 Santa Monica Freeway.

Carmageddon is here, a day early

Carmageddon countdown started for South Californians, who have been well informed of this pending phenomenon over the past couple of weeks via social media and the internet.

Apple will NOT Release Macbook Air Today

But more importantly, the launch of Apple's highly anticipated new operating system OS X Lion has yet to be released. Apple would not release the new Macbook Air unless the operation system is first released, since it will come pre-installed with OS X Lion.

Early HIV Treatment as Prevention Can Derail Epidemic: Researcher

A Canadian HIV researcher said today that treatment as prevention, or should be used worldwide in order to derail the AIDS epidemic. Two HIV studies in Africa revealed July 13 that antiretroviral drugs used in combination with anti-retroviral therapy helps treat HIV and prevents transmission through decreasing contagiousness.

Cyber theft illustrates Pentagon security challenge

A foreign intelligence service stole 24,000 files from a U.S. defense contractor earlier this year, a dramatic illustration of the threat confronting the Pentagon as it works to bolster military computer security, a top defense official said on Thursday.

Google smashes Street expectations, shares surge

Google Inc's results soundly trounced Wall Street's most bullish expectations, sending its shares up 12 percent and easing concerns that its battle with Facebook and Twitter is costing too much and hindering growth.
