IBT Staff Reporter

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Moody's warns may downgrade U.S. muni debt ratings

Moody's on Wednesday warned it may downgrade some Aaa-rated U.S. states and municipalities if the country loses its top-notch rating or if federal funding falls significantly as part of a plan to reduce the nation's deficit.

Study finds text messages help smokers quit

Smokers are twice as likely to quit when they get text messages urging them to stick to their goal of being smoke free compared with those who receive texts with no motivational messages, a British study has found.

AMR talking with Boeing, Airbus for 250 planes: report

AMR Corp's American Airlines is negotiating with aircraft makers Airbus and Boeing Co to replace its entire domestic fleet by purchasing at least 250 airplanes in a deal valued at about $15 billion, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Asia looks to friend Lagarde to honor IMF pledges

Asia's fast-rising economies set their sights on securing key IMF posts under new chief Christine Lagarde, hopeful she would be the one to make good on oft-heard pledges to give more power to emerging markets.

Food Apocalypse: Honey Bees a catalyst?

With food prices around the world skyrocketing, increasing hunger and in some cases acting as a catalyst for regime changes in the Middle East, there is more to worry about on the horizon.

Vulnerabilities found in Google Chrome PC security

Google Inc brags that computers running its recently released Chrome operating system are a lot safer than traditional PCs, partly because user data is stored in the Internet cloud and not on the machine.

News Corp sells Myspace, ending six-year saga

News Corp has sold Myspace for $35 million, a fraction of what it paid for the once-hot social media site even as a new generation of Web-based start-ups is enjoying sky-high valuations.

Top iPhone 5 features that help it beat rival Android smartphones

Apple is facing a lot of pressure this year with Android beating the technology giant in several categories, including the top smartphone spot. However, Apple isn't one to give up easily and expectations are high that with iPhone 5 release Apple will regain its top position in a highly competitive smartphone jungle.
