IBT Staff Reporter

69361-69390 (out of 154942)

UAW trust not planning quick Chrysler exit: sources

A United Auto Workers trust fund will retain its shares of Chrysler Group LLC in a bid to maximize returns for retiree healthcare costs rather than follow the Obama administration in a quick exit of its investment, two people familiar with the fund's strategy said.

With new high-tech plant, Sara Lee plots growth

Sara Lee Corp's opening of a high-tech Kansas City meat manufacturing facility sets the stage for broad growth in its key brands and is part of a series of moves in preparation for splitting in two, company officials said on Friday.

Short seller's report clobbers Sino-Forest

A damning short-seller's report accusing Sino-Forest Corp of theft and fraud put the skids under the Canadian-listed company on Friday, even as it denied there was a problem.

RIM loses more U.S. market share to Apple, Google

Research In Motion has given up more ground to Apple and Google in the hypercompetitive U.S. smartphone market, a report shows, while two brokerages cut their price targets for the BlackBerry maker on concerns it can no longer keep pace.

How Serious are North Korea's Hacking Activities?

North Korea might be decades behind development, but when it comes to cyber warfare, the nation is growing an elite army of hackers, seeking out the best of the best computer prodigies, showering them and their families with lavish lifestyles, and effectively training them.

Weiner Pulls Out of Wisconsin Speech

A media firestorm this week stemming from a lewd photograph on Congressman Anthony Weiner's Twitter account caused him to pull out of a scheduled appearance in Wisconsin, Friday in an effort to spend time with his wife.

SUNY official in Bruno case steps down

Amid charges from the Public Integrity Commission he gave a no-show job to former Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno, a top State University of New York official from his post as Senior Vice Chancellor and as head of the SUNY Research Foundation.

Rihanna, working her issues out through art [Video]

Rihanna's 'Man Down' isn't her first video to stir controversy. She's had several videos that have created waves due to their lyrics or innuendos, though none have sparked as much criticism as her latest video 'Man Down' which has created a tsunami of controversy.

Cooling employment casts shadow on recovery

The economy may be in for a long period of soft growth after employers hired the fewest number of workers in eight months in May and the unemployment rate rose to 9.1 percent.

Bill Ford says CEO successor likely from within

Ford Motor Co Executive Chairman Bill Ford said on Friday it is likely that the company will look inside its own ranks for the successor to Chief Executive Alan Mulally, whenever Mulally decides to leave.

China's Dragon Boat Festival 2011

For over 2,500 years, China has celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival on the Fifth day of the Fifth lunar month. This year, that day is June 6th.

Analysis: Can naming, shaming curb cyber attacks from China?

Targets of pervasive Chinese cyber attacks hope the latest breach of Google email will spark a robust U.S. response but Washington may find it hard to pin precise blame on China and cannot go too far against a key economic and diplomatic partner.

E3 Preview: All Eyes On Nintendo

With the likely reveal of its next generation console, Nintendo will make the biggest splash at E3 analyst say. The expo comes at a critical time for Nintendo as sales for its Wii console have begun to sizzle out and more people have turned to Xbox 360 and PS3.
