HDTV Prices Falling, Availability Rising
Prices are falling and availability is rising for High-Definition Televisions (HDTVs), according to a report released Tuesday.
Nokia Targets Motorola in 2007
Robust demand for mobile phones helped Nokia, the world's largest cell phone maker, ship more phones than its two closest competitors combined in 2006. One report indicates that it will continue to pressure rivals in 2007.
Four New Colors for Apple's iPod Shuffle
Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL), which dominates the market for digital music players, said it begins selling its entry level iPod in four additional colors today, touting the player as a fashion accessory.
Software Sales Slow in 2006
Computer software sales declined in 2006 compared to the previous year, due in part to consumers waiting for the release of Windows Vista and diminished purchases of tax software, according to a report.
Microsoft Investigating Word 2000 Attacks
Microsoft Corp., the world's largest software maker, said that it is investigating a flaw in its Microsoft Word 2000 word processor that may allow remote users with malicious intent to take control of a user's computer.
Nokia Leads, Sony-Ericsson ‘Wows'
Nokia Corp. expanded its leadership position in the mobile handset market in 2006, shipping more units than its next two closest competitors combined, according to new research released today.
Intel, IBM Make CPU Breakthroughs
Semiconductor firm Intel (NASDAQ: INTC) and technology solutions provider International Business Machines (NYSE: IBM) announced separately this weekend that both companies have solved a puzzle that will allow the semiconductor industry to keep making ever smaller computer chips.
Nvidia Shares Affected by Weaker Playstation 3 Demand
Growing signs of weaker demand for Sony's new Playstation 3 video game system may be impacting some of its design partners, a new report indicates, with graphics system provider Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA), feeling Wall-Street heat today.
Blackberry and iPhone in Different Classes: Analysts
Shares of Research in Motion (NASDAQ: RIMM), maker of the Blackberry hand held device have plummeted since Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) announced its entry into the consumer phone segment early January. Some experts feel that the new phone isn't a threat to RIM, however, issuing a buy for RIMM shares.
Adobe Aims for Formal PDF Standard
Software maker Adobe systems is aiming to take its already popular PDF document standard to the next level, asking the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to recognize its entire specification.
Mutual Funds Made Simple: Index Funds
If you've decided that managing a portfolio of your own stocks is too time consuming, then mutual funds are the perfect opportunity to invest with less hands on responsibility. However there are points to consider when deciding which fund you'll buy.
Dell Taking Orders for Vista PCs
Dell (Nasdaq: Dell) announced Friday it will begin taking orders this weekend for computers pre-loaded with Microsoft's Windows Vista operating system.
Intel Takes 64-bit Mobile Crown from AMD
Advanced Micro Devices (NYSE: AMD) took an early lead against rival Intel Corp. (NASDAQ: INTC) in the 64-bit mobile computer market last year, however new data released today shows that Intel grabbed the in December, becoming the top 64-bit CPU provider in only four months.
Microsoft May Lower Xbox 360 Prices, Revise Hardware
Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) slashed the shipments forecast of its Xbox 360 video game console yesterday, in a move some analysts believe will pave way for a future price cut and even an updated version of the game system.
‘Google' Named Top Global Brand
'Google' was the brand with the greatest impact around the world in 2006 for the second consecutive year, according to the results of a new survey.
YouTube Subpoenaed Over ‘24,' ‘Simpsons'
News Corp. studio Twentieth Century Fox has subpoenaed Google Inc.'s (NASDAQ: GOOG) video site YouTube to request that it hand over data identifying a user who has uploaded episodes of the television shows '24' and 'The Simpsons,' according to the Wall Street Journal.
iPhone is Clever, but Not Smart: Analysts
While the newly announced iPhone from Apple contains a variety of “very high end†features, and is “clever and capable,†it cannot be defined as a smartphone, one research firm says.
Playstation 3 Demand 'Sluggish,' says Analyst
Demand for Sony's next-generation Playstation 3 game-console may be slowing as a recent retail check shows that systems are staying on more shelves for longer periods.
HP Expands Virtualization Services
Technology company Hewlett-Packard (NYSE: HPQ) is adding new services to help businesses increase the efficiency of their current servers by allowing customers to virtualize their entire infrastructure.
Father of Playstation to Head New Game Studio
Ken Kutaragi, known as the father of the Playstation video-game console, will take helm of a new venture between Sony and Namco Bandai as the firm's partner to battle rival game makers.
Yahoo's New ‘Panama' Ad System Expected to Boost Revenue
Yahoo said late on Tuesday its new system for selling Web ads, dubbed Panama, would be fully introduced in the United States as of February 5, about a month earlier than expected by Wall Street analysts.
Intel to Power New High Speed Wireless Laptops
Intel-based laptops released by the end of the month will include wireless technology that will allow speeds up to five times faster than current popular technologies allow.
Processor Price War Likely to Continue in 2007
Shares of semiconductor company Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (NYSE: AMD) fell more than 4 percent on Tuesday after the company said its margins shrunk in the fourth quarter as a result of its brutal pricing war with rival Intel Corp., (Nasdaq: INTC). With both firms increasing capacity and becoming more aggressive, some analysts believe prices on CPU's will continue to decline.
Discovering the 'Active vs. Passive' Mutual Funds Debate
Investors seeking to sort out the mutual funds landscape will eventually come across the debate over funds managed actively by professional managers and those funds which passively mirror market indexes.
Warcraft Expansion Becomes Fastest PC Game Ever Sold
Blizzard Entertainment said today that the expansion pack to its highly popular World of Warcraft online game sold nearly 2.4 million copies on the first day, becoming the fastest selling PC game ever.
Myspace Sues the 'Spam King'
News Corp.'s (NYSE: NWS) social networking site MySpace filed a lawsuit against the Spam King today, who the firm alleges flooded millions of its members with unsolicited messages.
Apple's iPhone Pressures RIM's Blackberry: Analyst
Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) introduced its highly anticipated mobile phone at this month;s Macworld Expo, receiving rave reviews for its innovation, ease of use, and 'wow' factor. Its bright prospects may even cloud the outlook for the market's current leader, Research in Motion (Nasdaq: RIMM) and its venerable Blackberry, one analyst contends.
Ultra High Speed Wireless About to Take Off: Analyst
As wireless networking becomes more pervasive, extending to mobile computers, cell-phones and handhelds, one expert believes that the next generation of ultra fast wireless computing technology may be ready to take off.
Hi-Def Media War May Be Ending
The advent of consumer devices capable of playing both emerging high-definition disc formats may spell an end to the ongoing war between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD discs, one research company contends.
Alleged Shady Debt Consolidator Taken to Court
Imagine a supposedly non-profit debt consolidator tells you it will arrange all your bills into a convenient monthly payment for free, only to find later it has overstated your savings, is charging monthly fees, and is providing no service to improve or prevent your credit rating from deteriorating?