WTO Urges Further Reforms in Kyrgyzstan
The Kyrgyz Republic has made impressive progress since its economic and political transition to a market-based economy, but some continued reform remains important, the WTO Secretariat reported on Monday.
Google Partners with Warner, Sony for Music Videos
Google announced a number of partnerships on Monday in an effort to expand its Google Video service, adding music videos from two major record labels through an ad-supported model.
Sony Introduces HD Surgery Equipment
Sony Electronics introduced high-definition technology for medical surgery on Monday, rolling out equipment allowing practitioners to see details of patients at never-before resolutions.
Different Online Social Networks Draw Different Age Groups: Report
Not all online social networks are the same, according to new research released this week. Internet research firm, comScore Networks, said on Thursday that significant age differences exist between the user bases of these websites.
Czech Disk Storage Market Soars
Revenue from disk storage in the Czech Republic is expected to surge in 2006 according to market research firm, IDC.
Microsoft Releases Final Test Version of Vista
The world's largest software maker released what is to be the final test version of its next-generation operating system, quelling fears that the new product may face further delays.
Autodesk Discovers Backdated Stock Option Grants
Software firm Autodesk announced late Friday afternoon that an ongoing internal review of the company's stock-options grants has uncovered issues with backdating.
Google Search to Help Software Engineers
Google is introducing a new search service designed to assist software engineers.
Starbucks Aligns Music Catalog With iTunes Music Store
Starbucks favorites are now available on iTunes, part of an alliance announced Thursday.
India PM Suggests Flexible Labor Laws
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Friday his government is focusing on boosting economic growth by creating a broad consensus with trade unions and political parties.
Cisco Systems, DHB Networks Bring Wi-Fi to Dublin
Cisco Systems announced on Friday that it has completed an outdoor wireless network together with DHB Networks, improving public safety and driving economic development in Dublin, Ohio.
Dell to Hire Customer Support Employees
Dell announced that it is looking to hire more employees for its Ottawa customer service center on Friday, as well as create additional training programs for its existing employees.
Air Canada Traffic Drops in Sept.
Air Canada flew 0.4 percent fewer revenue passenger miles in September this year compared to the same period last year. Revenue passenger miles are defined as the number of available seats sold.
EIB Offers $38M in Loans to Bulgarian Private Sector
Small and medium businesses in Bulgaria will receive a $38 million (€30 million) loan from the European Investment Bank, the EU institution said on Thursday.
Starbucks Sets New Goal of 40,000 Stores Worldwide
Coffee Retailer Starbucks Corp. raised its target for total number of stores worldwide from the previous goal of 30,000 to 40,000 on Thursday.
Wal-Mart Drug Rollout Four Months Early
Wal-Mart said Thursday it will implement its $4 generic prescription program in Florida tomorrow. The rollout comes four months earlier than originally planned.
IMF Cautions Denmark on Economic Growth
The International Monetary Fund urged Denmark on Thursday to slow its economic growth for next year by issuing higher interest rates.
UN: Globalization Should Include Developing Countries
Developing countries lacking in infrastructure and skills will not benefit from economic globalization regardless of open market access, a United Nations trade official said Wednesday.
Target Sales up 13.4 Pct. in September
Retailer Target Corp. reported its net sales for the five-week period prior to September 30, were up 13.4 percent.
UK Prepares for Wireless Transmitter iPods
U.K. telecoms regulator Ofcom has published draft regulations that will legalize the use of wireless transmitters for iPods and other MP3 players.
Myspace Website Draws Older Crowds: Report
Significant age differences exist within the user bases of different social networks a new study finds, noting more than half of Myspace.com users are 35 or older.
Intel Unlikely to Acquire Nvidia Corp.
Nvidia Corp. shares surged more than 8 percent on Wednesday amid speculation that the graphics firm may be acquired by Intel Corp, however experts said on Thursday that a sale would be irrational.
Nintendo Wii Production Ahead of Schedule
Nintendo is ramping up production of its next-generation Wii game-console, indicating that the firm should meet its expected shipment dates for this year.
No Further Windows Vista Delay Likely
Microsoft may be on track to deliver its highly anticipated next-generation operating system, one expert contends.
Myspace Founder Claims Foul-Play in News Corp Acquisition
Brad Greenspan, founder of myspace.com, claimed on Thursday that Intermix Media Inc.'s sale of Myspace intentionally defrauded shareholders out of tens of billions of dollars.
Causal and Female Gamers to Drive Mobile Gaming Industry
Technologically advanced games from some of the largest game developers draw widespread attention, however a new research report indicates that mobile gaming will drive the gaming industry, led by casual and female gamers.
Photo and Real Estate Sites Lead European Internet Visits
Europeans are visiting more photo and real-estate websites a study released on Thursday reveals.
Google Launches Online Literary Project
Google launched a new program to promote literacy by harnessing the power of the internet, aggregating books maps, blogs and video together to assist teachers and educators.
Steve Jobs to Retain CEO Title: Analysts
Apple Computer announced the results of its internal stock options investigation on Wednesday, finding 15 instances option-backdating leading to the resignation of the firms CFO, however experts believe Steve Jobs should not be affected.
Kenya Airways Postpones Brazzaville Route Launch
Kenya Airways will not launch scheduled flights to Congo Brazzaville tomorrow as earlier announced.Unresolved issues in negotiations on air traffic rights forced the last-minute cancellation.