Jijo Jacob

121-150 (out of 1080)

Interpreting the Gold Boom and Bust: Still a Safe Haven?

One thing is clear. There's nothing like a gold standard when it comes to analyzing the way the precious metal prices have behaved in the past three months. Gold's decade-long bull run peaked in the last three months when the prices went up by around 30 percent.

China Tightens Grip on Rare Earths Supply

China has put in place tighter controls over unauthorized exploration, mining, processing and sales of rare earth materials, calling them the country's 21st century treasure trove of new materials.

Troy Davis Inches Close to Execution as Questions Loom Over Certainty of His Guilt

Death row inmate Troy Davis has been in familiar situations before, but this time it looks like his chances of clinging on to life are slimmer than all times before. After the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles denied his clemency plea and said his execution will take place as per schedule at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, observers are giving slim chances for the judicial system to give him another chance.

Obama Plan's Tax Hikes on Rich Stir Opposition

The future of the $450-billion jobs stimulus looked bleak after President Barack Obama unveiled a plan to raise taxes, reduce exemptions and repeal various oil subsidies in order to pay for the package.

Fortuitous Meteorite Strike Brought Super-Abundant Gold to Earth

A new study has made a surprising finding that a serendipitous crash of a mammoth meteorite onto ancient Earth brought gold and other complex and heavy elements from outer space. The study also shows that -- hold your breath -- precious metals are super-abundant in the crust of our planet.

GOP Scorn Greets Obama's $450 Billion Jobs Plan

President Barack Obama presented a $447-billion plan for boosting jobs on Thursday before a rare joint session of the Congress and urged the Republicans to take urgent action to pass his plan leaving aside political differences.

First Arrests in Delhi Blast; Terror Readiness Questioned

An Internet café owner in Kashmir has been arrested by Indian police as part of the investigation into the bomb blast outside Delhi High Court that killed 12 people on Wednesday, even as serious doubts emerged about the government's ability to prevent terror strikes on the country.

Pakistan-Based Islamic Terror Group Claims Delhi Blast

Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HuJI), a Pakistan-based Islamic terror organization that was behind the Mumbai blast in 2008, has claimed the responsibility for the deadly explosion outside the Delhi High Court that killed 10 people, mostly litigants, on Wednesday.

Case Design Shows iPhone 5 Will Have 4-inch Display

As iPhone 5 release date is nearing its rumored October tryst with destiny, the focus is on the phone’s screen size. The buzz is centered around whether iPhone 5 will have a 3.7-inch display or a 4-inch display. Here we sum up arguments favoring both camps -- those who think Apple will stick to smaller display and bank on better resolution and those who vouch for bigger display to take on competition.

Gaddafi Could Evade War Crimes Trial by Fleeing to Algeria

Libya's rebel forces were pushing hard on Tuesday to take control over Muammar Gaddafi's hometown of Sirte, even as the fallen despot's family members fled to Algeria and one of the sons was reportedly killed and buried by the rebels near Tripoli.

Endgame in Libya: Khamis Killed and Buried, Gadhafi Family Flees to Algeria

As the endgame in the long-drawn Libyan struggle to break free from Moammar Gadhafi's 40-year regime played out, reports said Khamis, the despot's son who commanded the elite Khamis brigade, has been killed and buried near Tripoli, while Gaddafi's wife, two other sons and their families have crossed the border into Algeria.

Khamis Brigade Turns to Manslaughter, Kills 50 Detainees

The Khamis Brigade, which is known to be fiercely loyal to fallen Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, killed around 50 detainees and then set the Tripoli warehouse where they were lodged on fire on Aug. 23. The Khamis Brigade is run by Gaddafi’s youngest son Khamis, and is often considered to be the most dreaded militia in the country. Khamis Gaddafi was reportedly killed in a NATO airstrike on a military outpost at Zlitan near Misrata in the beginning of this month, but the Khamis Brigade has de....
