Johnathan Davis

571-600 (out of 631)

How Apple earned the Midas touch

Speculation abounds as to when Apple's new iPhone will hit shelves, but the company has created such a successful dynamic surrounding its products that timing may be irrelevant.

Apple iOS is the 'What's Next'

Speculation abounds as to when Apple's new iPhone will hit shelves, but the company has created such a successful dynamic surrounding its products that timing may be irrelevant.

How Sony got on the Apple iPhone 5 account

Sony hinted in a recent interview that the Japanese giant would supply its 8-megapixel camera sensor to Apple, most likely for the upcoming iPhone 5. But just how did this consumer-electronics rival end up supplying parts to power its most formidable opponent?

Apple iPhone 5 to sport 8MP camera: Sony

In a recent interview, Sony CEO Howard Stringer said that his company was gearing up to supply Apple with a powerful 8 megapixel camera, most likely for use in its forthcoming iPhone 5.

Microsoft calls Google a Monopoly

Microsoft, the world's largest software maker, has filed its first ever complaint to antitrust regulators, claiming Google thwarts Internet search competition.

What to expect in Apple's iOS 5

From a possible larger screen, to aluminum backing, there is no shortage of speculation for what new hardware Apple will pack into its next generation iPhone 5. But what about its software?

Apple iPhone 5: the Essential Guide

Theories abound as to what Apple is packing into its next generation smartphone and more importantly, when will it come out. We help you wade through the deluge of fact and fiction.

Apple iPhone 5 to sport 4G

Theories abound as to what Apple is packing into its next generation smartphone, but one industry expert believes the iPhone 5 will feature hardware to connect to ultra-fast 4G networks.

Why the 2011 WWDC is the fastest selling ever

After the date and pricing were unveiled early Monday morning, tickets sold out within 12 hours of the announcement, marking the fastest selling WWDC to date. But what makes this years conference, a gathering of third-party developers Apple's own, so special ?

Apple sets sales record for WWDC

Tickets to Apple's annual Worldwide Developer's Conference sold out just as quickly as they were made available on yesterday. After the date and pricing were unveiled by the company early Monday morning, tickets sold out within 12 hours of the announcement, marking the fastest selling WWDC to date.

Japan Earthquakes Dramatic Aftermath (PHOTOS)

Japan's government estimated the damage from this month's record earthquake and tsunami at as much as 25 trillion yen ($309 billion), nearly four times the impact of Hurricane Katrina in the US.

Supplies of Nintendo 3DS may be at risk

Nintendo released its latest handheld game system, the 3DS to throngs of waiting people worldwide this past Sunday, and new analysis shows that the company stands to make almost $150 per each unit sold.

How iPad 2 Prices Compare Globally

Two weeks after Apple's latest tablet went on sale in the United States, iPad 2 sales kick started in 25 other countries, including Canada, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand and 21 European nations.

Rebels retake strategic Libyan city

Libyan rebels declared on Saturday that they had retaken the strategic crossroads town of Ajdabiya following heavy coalition airstrikes on Muammer Gaddafi's forces.

Shocker: Duke Nukem Delayed

The long-delayed comeback of first-person shooter Duke Nukem hit another snag on Thursday with 2K Games bumping arrival of the latest title back a month into June.
