Joseph Orovic

391-420 (out of 471)

Rick Perry's 'Strong' Ad and Gay Rights: Viral Video Could Foreshadow 2012 Wedge Issue

At one point, the cowboy-boot wearing huckster from the Lone Star State was the darling of the GOP's right, before shoddy debate performances and a goofy stump speech in New Hampshire sent his poll numbers plummeting. Now Perry has adopted a hyper-Christian posture in a last ditch effort at garnering support from Iowa's Evangelical base of Republican voters.

Payroll Tax Cut: House Republicans Present Counter Legislation

House Republicans have proposed a bill extending the payroll tax cut that includes a provision to push through the controversial Keystone XL pipeline and reform several social safety net programs, openly defying a veto threat by President Barack Obama.

Gun Shots Reported At Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech reported Thursday that shots were fired on it campus. So far, one victim has been listed as a police officer, another possible victim has not been confirmed.

Taking A Cue From Occupy Wall Street, Democrats Make Populist Push

Occupy Wall Street's reverberations have finally crossed into the political realm, as prominent Democrats at all levels of government -- from the president to Congress to state houses -- have begun echoing the movement's lambasting of the under-representation of the poor and the unemployed and capitalism's ills.

Payroll Tax Cut: Round Two Starts With Democrats

In a new round of political horse trading, Senate Democrats are offering up a modified version of their payroll tax cut extension, one which pays for itself in a GOP-friendly manner, in order to increase the likelihood of its package.

Mike Tyson Sings 'Girl From Ipanema' and More

Mike Tyson, the same man who once literally gnashed off a chunk of another human being's ear, has begun an ongoing campaign to show his light hearted side, taking an appearance on a Brazilian television show over the top by serenading the South American nation with Girl From Ipanema while rocking a white suit and panama

Democrats Push Payroll Tax Cut Amid Budget Showdown in Congress

New legislation introduced by Senate Democrats on Monday would prolong and increase a payroll tax cut pushed by President Barack Obama, while introducing a de facto millionaire's tax. The proposal is the first step in what will likely be a prolonged budgetary battle on Capitol Hill.

Barney Frank: Top 5 Viral Moments

The planned retirement of Congressman Barney Frank, D-Mass., leaves the Democratic party lacking in the YouTube mojo department. Partisan sniping aside, Frank was a regular source of one-liners and playful harassment of his legislative colleagues and TV talking heads.

Richard Nixon's Grand Jury Testimony: More Heat Than Light

The media swarmed around a 36-year-old grand jury testimony for a seismic revelation to plaster on its front pages. Many left disappointed. All we got, in the end, was former President Richard Nixon in all his Tricky Dick glory -- and little more.

Winner of Republican National Security Debate: The Economy?

Republicans faced off in a national security-themed debate at Constitution Hall in Washington D.C. and broadcast on CNN. The gathering did little to change the dynamic of a race that has seen a carousel of candidates tested as a possible better-option to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

Ohio Group Suggests Exotic Animal Ban

Owners of lions, tigers and bears, beware: Ohio may not be the best place to settle down. A working group commissioned by Gov. John Kasich will recommend a ban on the ownership of exotic animals in the state.

Super Committee Chairs Announce Deadlock

The members of the super committee officially announced a failure to reach a deal on cutting at least a $1.2 trillion hole in the federal budget deficit, ahead of its official Nov. 23 deadline. The move has sent lawmakers searching for a new plan and ways to dodge blame.

Super Committee on the Brink of Collapse

The U.S. Congress' budget deficit super committee appears to be on the verge of a complete collapse. Republicans and Democrats on the committee are at loggerheads: Republicans apparently want to permanently extend the Bush-era income tax cuts, Democrats don't.
