Jerry Sandusky Jury Reaches Guilty Verdict; Attorney Plans To Appeal Conviction
Former Penn State Assistant Coach Jerry Sandusky has been found guilty of child sex abuse and will be sentenced in September. His lawyer plans to appeal the verdict.
Karen Huff Klein Bullying Video: Students Apologize; Punishment To Come Before July 4
Some of the students who bullied bus monitor Karen Huff Klein have apologized to her, but they will still face punishment as soon as next week. In the meantime, a fund for the woman has raised half a million dollars
Secret Service Back In The Spotlight: Members Of Joe Biden?s Security Team Brawled In Nantucket
Agents assigned to vice President Joe Biden's security detail were involved in a fight last Thanksgiving while in Nantucket, Mass.
Iran Detects 'Massive Cyberattack' On Its Nuclear Facilities
Iran said a massive cyberattack has been detected on its nuclear facilities and that it believes U.S., Israel and Great Britain are behind it.
Commerce Secretary John Bryson Resigns
United States Commerce Secretary John Bryson resigned his post this week so that the agency isn't distracted by his recent hit-and-run incident.
Karen Huff Klein Bullying Video Sparks Police Investigation, Unearths Similar YouTube Videos
Students who bullied Greece, NY, bus monitor Karen Klein earlier this week are under investigation by the school district and the police.
What?s Inside New York's Speed Camera Bill?
Republican Andrew Lanza has proposed installing speed cameras to catch violators. That could result in up to 40 cameras being installed in NYC if the legislation is passed.
Mitt Romney: Rubio Is Being Vetted As Potential Vice Presidential Candidate
Romney said Florida's Marco Rubio is being vetted as a candidate for vice president.
US, Israel Secretly Collect Iran Nuclear Info Through Flame Virus: Report
New leak alleges U.S. and Israel created Flame virus to hamper Iran's nuclear progress.
Holder, Issa To Go Face To Face Before Fast and Furious Contempt Vote
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa will meet Tuesday, a day before Congressional Republicans are expected to vote on holding Holder in contempt of Congress, without the presence of the House GOP leadership.
New Yorkers Are Not Alone: Cambridge Mayor Also Considering Large Soda Ban
Drawing inspiration from New York City's Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts, is also considering banning large soda and sweetened beverages in city restaurants.
Colorado?s High Park Wildfire 50% Contained; Nearly 60,000 Acres Burned
Firefighters in the western U.S. are making progress on several wildfires, but weather conditions could make things worse.
Western Wildfires 2012: 10 New Large Fires Reported
Wildfires continue to tax firefighters in the western part of the nation as 10 new large wildfires were reported Sunday.
Colorado High Park Fire 45% Contained
Officials said the High Park Fire is 45 percent contained. However, dry, hot weather may re-stoke the fire, officials cautioned.
Sen Lieberman: White House Leaks 'Worst In A Long Time'
There's concern among some U.S. lawmakers that recent national security leaks that allegedly originated in the White House may have, among other consequences, jeopardized the security of Americans conducting the operations.
Bristol Palin Sued For Defamation By Heckler
Bristol Palin is being sued for defamation by Stephen Hanks, the man who heckled her in a West Hollywood, Calif. bar last September, and who called her mother, Sarah, derogatory names. The altercation caught on video was used in promos for Palin's new show and Hanks said he never signed a release for the footage to be used.
Was Michigan Lawmaker Brown Banned From House Floor For Saying ?Vagina??
Two women legislators in Michigan were banned from speaking on the state House floor this week in opposition to an anti-abortion legislation. One believes it was because she is Jewish and said the word vagina; the other believes it was because she used the word vasectomy.
Sandra Fluke Endorses Obama For Re-Election
Sandra Fluke, the former Georgetown University Law School student who was called slut by radio host Rush Limbaugh, has given United States President Barack Obama her endorsement.
US Cancer Survivors Will Rise To 18 Million By 2020: Report
The number cancer survivors in America will increase to almost 18 million by 2022, a new report by the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute said.
How Would World?s Richest Man, Carlos Slim, Solve National Fiscal Problems?
World's richest man, Carlos Slim Helu, said lifting the age of retirement, privatizing infrastructure assets and making people over 60 work 10 to 11 hours three times a week could remedy the economic woes of struggling nations.
Not Just Soda: Bloomberg May Ban Large Popcorn, Milk Drinks, Too
Some members of the New York City Board of Health are considering limiting the size of movie theater popcorn and milk beverages to help curb obesity.
Does New Indiana Law Make It 'Open Season On Police Officers'?
Indiana law enforcement officials worry that he Right to defend against unlawful entry bill could lead to open season on police officers.
Meghan McCain: Legalizing Marijuana Could Help Economy, Fund Universal Health Care
The 2008 presidential candidate's daughter admits to having smoked pot and believes marijuana should be legalized -- not the usual fare from a prominent Republican's offspring.
Guam Faces Uncertain Future As U.S. Delays Shifting Marines From Okinawa
Americans don't think often about Guam, a strategically important U.S. territory in the Mariana Islands where the military rules the economy. But without the federal government and its money, the island will experience an economic crisis.
31 Dems Expected To Vote Against Eric Holder In Fast And Furious Investigation
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will vote on holding United States Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress -- and more than two dozen of his party colleagues are going to vote with Republicans against him.
Bill Maher To Occupy Wall Street: Stop Camping, Become Democratic Tea Party [VIDEO]
Not mincing words, the comedian tells Occupy Wall Street to stop street protests and engage in the American political process.
Ex-Con Junior Alexander Guy Gets Zimmerman?s Old Number, Death Threats
Junior Alexander Guy, 49, signed up for a cell phone for the first time last month and got George Zimmerman's old number and death threats.
3 Reasons Why Boy Scouts Of America Should Allow Gays
The Boy Scouts of America said on Thursday it has no plans to change its longstanding policy of not allowing gays and lesbians to openly serve in the organization. It's time to change this outdated rule
New York Beats Virginia Beach, Miami and New Orleans As Area At Highest Property Risk From Hurricanes
NYC's metropolitan area is at risk for billions in hurricane-driven storm surge damage.
What You Need To Know About Gov. Cuomo?s Legislation To Decriminalize Marijuana In Small Amounts
Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced legislation to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana in public view. More than 80 percent of those arrested in New York state for marijuana possession are black or Hispanic.