Nadine DeNinno

Fashion & Retail Reporter
1261-1290 (out of 2331)
Nadine joined IBTimes in July 2011 and is the fashion and retail reporter, covering the fashion industry and all consumer-oriented news. Previously, she served as the editor of the Continuous News Desk, leading the team which covers trending news. Prior to her tenure at IBT, she contributed to House Beautiful magazine. She received a B.A. in Journalism from Fordham University at Lincoln Center and studies Simonson modern dance technique in New York City.
She also wrote this entire bio herself, in the third person.
Nadine DeNinno

'The Kennedy Curse' Strikes Again With Death of Mary Kennedy, A Timeline Of Family History And Misfortune

The death of Mary Richardson Kennedy, an apparent suicide, is another instance to add to the timeline of the Kennedy family history, which many believe is under a curse of misfortune. Despite their political fame and fortune, the family has been ridden with tragedy for decades, causing many to believe the Kennedy family was under some sort of ominous curse, causing its members to die young from illness, assassinations and accidents, once they delved deeper into the history.

Torika Watters, Fiji Beauty Queen, Disqualified From 2012 Miss World Pageant For Age, Not Race [PHOTOS]

This year, beauty pageants are more scandalous than ever, with one contestant after another losing their crowns for disqualification. The latest? Fijian beauty queen Torika Watters was disqualified over the weekend, losing her title in Fiji for the 2012 Miss World pageant for being underage when pageant officials found that she did not meet the age requirement to compete, despite complaints about her mixed race.

Facebook Timeline Mandatory Date Set for May 21: Final Rollout Coming Next Week [REPORT]

Rumors have been swirling around the Internet for months that one day the newest feature on Facebook, Timeline, would become mandatory and it appears the date has been set for May 21, just three days the company is slated to go public. On Monday, some of the remaining Facebook users who haven't converted to the Timeline feature received a message on top of their page, informing that the mandatory rollout would take place next week.

?What Is Sexy? List 2012 Issued by Victoria?s Secret Angels Lindsay Ellingson, Doutzen Kroes and Erin Heatherton [PHOTOS]

Who better than a trio of sexy supermodels than to construct a list of the sexiest celebrities of the year? Lingerie retailer Victoria's Secret issued their annual What is Sexy? list for 2012 generated by Lindsay Ellingson, Doutzen Kroes and Erin Heatherton during the What's Sexy Now event in Beverly Hills, Calif. on Thursday. So who did the trio choose? View the photos to see the winners named in the 2012 What is Sexy list.

Sylvester Stallone 'Discovered' in 500-Year-Old Painting And Other Celebrities Doppelgangers of Historical Figures [PHOTOS]

A Harvard student was bewildered on a visit to Vatican City, not because of the beauty or the history, but because a 500-year-old painting by Raphael which shows a man who is an exact doppelganger of Sylvester Stallone. While it's obviously not the real life Sylvester Stallone, the resemblance is uncanny, namely in the cheekbones, chin and the heavy eyes. However, Stallone isn't the only famous celebrity who was named a doppelganger of historical figures and people in paintings.

The Mark Zuckerberg Hoodie And 13 Other CEOs Who Casually Dress Down [PHOTOS]

It seems that everyone cannot stop talking about Mark Zuckerberg's roadshow to the Facebook IPO, where he angered Wall Street bankers by donning his standard uniform, a hoodie and jeans. But Zuckerberg isn?t the only CEO of a company who chooses to dress down than don a suit. Here are photos of 13 other CEOs who rid of suits.

Hillary Clinton Without Makeup Pictures Go Viral, Secretary of State Laughs Off ?Au Naturale? Comments [PHOTOS]

What do Hillary Clinton, Snooki and AnnaLynne McCord have in common? If you think nothing, you're wrong; They all have pictures without makeup circulating the Internet. Photos of the Secretary of State went viral on Monday when Clinton was travelling through Asia wearing her glasses and no makeup, sparking interest in a phenomenon known as Hillary Au Naturale, thanks to The Drudge Report. However, Clinton is laughing off the buzz about her natural look without makeup despite harsh cri...
