
4441-4470 (out of 14429)

Automakers Scramble To Decode New U.S. EV Tax Credits

U.S. automakers and dealers are scrambling to figure out if they can still offer $7,500 tax credits to would-be buyers of electric vehicles (EVs), as Congress prepares for final votes today on a bill that includes a top-to-bottom overhaul of Washington's clean vehicle policies.

Carbon Emissions From French Wildfires Hit Record

Ongoing wildfires in France have already released record amounts of carbon into the atmosphere, new satellite data has shown

Irish House Prices Return To 2007 Peak For First Time

Irish house prices returned in June to levels not seen since the credit-fuelLed peak of 2007, after data on Friday showed further rapid rises that experts have this time attributed to a dearth of supply rather than an overabundance of credit.
