Rubik’s is set to unveil a new Touch Cube based on sensor technology this weekend at QVC, a TV retailer in its ‘Christmas in July’ segment.

The 3x3 cube with 6 sides is the first completely electronic and solvable Rubik’s Cube featuring touch sensor technology and lights in all squares, it has motion-detecting accelerometer to determine which is false move and if its facing up or active and includes internal rechargeable Ni-Cd batteries.

“Rubik’s Touch Cube is the ‘dream cube’ for anyone who’s into high-tech gadgets—it combines today’s most current technologies with the iconic Rubik’s Cube,” the company said in the previous release.

The new Touch and swipe controlled cube will be available order online at retailed price for $149.99, which was introduced earlier this year in the International American Toy Fair.

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