Rush Limbaugh Wins Children's Book Award For 'Rush Revere And The Brave Pilgrims'

Move over Maurice Sendak, Rush Limbaugh just became the latest award-winning children’s book author. On Wednesday, Limbaugh was awarded Author of the Year at the Children’s and Teen Choice Book Awards for his semi-historical book “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans.”
In the book, Limbaugh takes the role of Rush Revere, a “seemingly ordinary history teacher” who takes his readers through a time-travel portal to the 1620 aboard the Mayflower as it sails across the Atlantic to drop the pilgrims at Plymouth.
The book was a huge hit and got on the best-sellers lists of Amazon, but didn’t get as much praise from reviewers. The Washington Post’s Alexandra Petri called it “historical fanfiction that Rush Limbaugh has written about himself.”
Limbaugh is adamant that his Rush Revere series isn’t politically aligned whatsoever and instead just a fun way for kids and parents to learn about history together. Despite his best attempts, it looks like some of Limbaugh’s philosophy got mixed in with the history:
“Liberty’s [his talking horse] mouth was so close to my face that his whiskers tickled my ear. I whispered back, 'Nobody is going to use you.' They might as well try to tame a thousand wild horses with nothing but a whistle.”
And from “Rush Revere and the First Patriots”:
"Only when we are free can we be all that God wants us to be. Only when we are free can we do all that God wants us to do. Freedom is from God. And when we fight for freedom we always fight on the side of God."
Children’s Choice Book Awards allows only children to vote for their favorite books, so if all went according to plan, Limbaugh may have a new set of fans on the rise. The Associated Press notes that it wouldn’t be hard for adults to fix in some fakes votes, but Robin Adelson, executive editor of the Children’s Book Council, says the organization works hard to ensure no one fixes the vote.
"A lot of manual labor goes into verifying [bulk voters]," Adelson said. "Do we catch them all? Of course not… It's not as if he received millions of votes and everybody else and received 10. It was far, far closer."
Many on the left are up in arms about the award, some even sending hate mail to the Children’s Book Council. While it's weird that Rush Limbaugh gave himself Paul Revere’s last name for the story, inserted himself into history and made up a bunch of dialog for historical figures, there’s no evidence he cheated.
Rush Beat out Veronica Roth, Rachel Renee Russell, Rich Riordan and Jeff Kinney for the award.
Hear Rush read an excerpt from "Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims" below.
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