Forgetting Sarah Marshall's Russell Brand had a warrant out for his arrest in New Orleans on Wednesday after he allegedly threw a photographer's iPhone through a law firm's window on Monday. Brand was released on a $5,000 bond after turning himself in on Thursday. The actor was booked on misdemeanor charges of two counts of simple criminal damage to property.
According to TMZ, a photographer trying to take Brand's photo from a car stemmed the actor's misdemeanor actions. Brand later tweeted on Wednesday, Since Steve Jobs died I cannot bear to see anyone use an iPhone irreverently, what I did was a tribute to his memory.
So it turns out we have Steve Jobs to thank for not only the iPhone, but the newly released Russel Brand mugshot. Now that's a tribute to his memory.
Actor and comedian Russell Brand has given up a share of his marital home which he had bought with his ex-wife Katy Perry.ReutersIn 2010 Chace Crawford was arrested for possession of marijuana. The "Gossip Girl" star was arrested in a parking lot in Texas, and received a misdemeanor charge for having two ounces or less of marijuana.ReutersMotley Crue singer Vince Neil was arrested in 2010 for a DUI in Las Vegas. ReutersBoxer Floyd Mayweather was arrested in Las Vegas in September 2010 for allegedly beating his ex-girlfriend, and stealing her cell phone during an argument.ReutersCharlie Sheen was arrested in Aspen, Colorado in 2009 for alleged domestic violence.ReutersPatrick Stump of Fall Out Boy was arrested in 2009 after he was pulled over at a routine traffic stop and was found to have an outstanding warrant for driving without a valid license. ReutersParis Hilton was arrested in 2010 in Las Vegas for possession of cocaine. Her boyfriend, Cy Waits, was also arrested for a DUI.ReutersLindsay Lohan was arrested again in 2011 after a judge revoked her probation. The actress was supposed to be performing community service hours at a women's shelter.ReutersOdd Future's Tyler, the Creator was arrested in a West Hollywood nightclub for vandalism in 2011.reutersBrooke Mueller reportedly overdosed six times in the past two years.