Ryan Dunn Dead: Fans Bought Drinks, Westboro Church Threatens to Picket Funeral

Jackass television and film star Ryan Dunn and his passenger died on June 20 when his speeding Porches crashed on a Pennsylvania road and burst into flames. Dunn was speeding and drunk when the accident happened, investigators say.
Dunn's blood alcohol concentration was 0.196 percent, which is more than twice the legal state limit of 0.08 percent, said Michael Carroll, the West Goshen Police Chief.
The initial crash reconstruction investigation determined that Mr. Dunn's vehicle was traveling between 132-140 mph at the time of the collision, he said.
Fans purchased Dunn at least one beer and two liquor shots for Dunn before 2 a.m., said Liquor Control Enforcement Sgt. William La Torre, according to Daily Local News of Chester County.
Dunn didn't drink everything that was given to him throughout the night police said.
The drinks Dunn consumed just before closing time likely spiked Dunn's blood alcohol level, La Torre said.
La Torre said there are two reasons Dunn likely did not appear visibly intoxicated before leaving to bar, including his high tolerance for alcohol and that he did not consume food while he was drinking.
Meanwhile the notorious Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., which has no ties to any mainstream Christian group and has been often denounced, has said it plans to protest at any public event in memory of Dunn.
WBC will picket any public memorial/funeral held for Dunn, warning all not to make a mock of sin and to fear and obey God, the church said in a press release.
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