Saints Row 4
Saints Row 4

"Saints Row 4" reviews have been flying in lately, and the reactions are mixed. Some critics have praised the zany open-world game, while others weren't as positive. So what are critics saying? Let's take a look.

The PC version of "Saints Row 4" has earned an 86 out of 100 Metascore from, though that includes scores and reviews from well-known publications like The Escapist and Joystiq as well as lesser known sites. So what do the bigger names in gaming news have to say?

Paul Goodman of The Escapist gave the game five stars, calling "Saints Row 4" "hilarious and over the top." He cites the game's "vulgar humor, ludicrous action sequences and colorful characters" as "a great example of how to make a game that is focused on the player having fun above anything else." Goodman concludes his review by saying that gamers should "definitely check it out."

Jordan Mallory of Joystiq also gave "Saints Row 4" five stars, stating that "Volition's skill for building a living world, lovable characters and ingenious gameplay is as sharply honed as ever." Mallory also says that "each type of weapon maintains a unique, satisfying feel when used, and each gun is useful at every stage of the game's progression, provided you keep up with the upgrades."

Dan Stapleton of IGN didn't heap as much praise on "Saints Row 4," but gave it a decent score of 7.3. Stapleton said that the game's "recycled map and wildly overpowered abilitys, playing Saints Row 4 feels a lot like enabling god-like cheat codes in Saints Row The Third and going nuts." Stapleton concludes the review by saying that the game's "appeal is shortened by the ludicrous speed at which we can zip across it and grow tired of its lack of challenge."

"Saints Row 4" will be released on Aug. 20 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

What's your take on Saints Row 4 so far? Sound off in the comments below.