The flyby took place just five days after Orion lifted off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
This is only the sixth time in history than an impact was predicted.
Orion used its mounted camera to take the "selfie."
A new study revealed that the water precursors found in the meteorite were similar to the hydrosphere on Earth.
The peak of the Leonids will be happening on an evening when the moon won't be as bright, at just 36% full.
The footage showed the event in a quick flash but it actually took three hours in reality.
The tidal bulge would extend the equator of the star from the core, dimming the overall appearance of Betelgeuse.
This unchartered region has remained elusive to astronomers because of Milky Way's bulging center blocking its view.
Since X-37B first took flight in 2010, the agency has remained tight-lipped about its purpose.
As for its other purpose, Nestorov shared that the Skif satellite would be involved in studying the "effects of space radiation, experienced by a satellite with the orbit of some 8,000 km above the ground."
The Hubble was able to snap images of the supernova due to an effect known as gravitational lensing.
An ethereal-looking glow graced the mid-Atlantic skies on early Monday morning.
"We're very fortunate that the snap captured exactly where the rocket body was and captured four image frames," HEO's Dane Brumm said, reported Cosmos.
Researchers warn there are no proper response methods to follow when an alien signal is detected from deep space.
There has been a lot of mystery surrounding China's spaceplane project.
The two moons of Mars -- Phobos and Deimos -- are named after the gods of "fear" and "panic" in Greek mythology by American astronomer Asaph Hall.
"To me, this ghostly appearance is very poetic, because we're literally seeing the remains of a long-gone star, so this metaphor works both visually and from an astrophysical point of view," the spokesperson added.
It's said to be the largest potentially hazardous asteroid in eight years.
Lead author and geoscientist Benjamin Cardenas believes that "this is exactly the type of place where ancient Martian life could have evolved".
"This movie, and others taken during the encounter, show the dynamic nature of the Sun's million-degree-hot corona," ESA said in a news release.
NASA has already estimated the trajectories of all the near-Earth objects till the end of the century.
A photographer in Nova Scotia captured the moment the meteor entered the atmosphere and then exploded.
The partial solar eclipse was visible from Europe and parts of Africa and Asia.
The fireball brightened the skies over Nevada, Arizona, California and Utah.
The Lucy spacecraft took incredible pictures on its recent close pass to the Earth.
The ISS fired its thrusters for over five minutes to avoid hitting the debris of a defunct Russian satellite.
The European Space Agency shared the audio clip just in time for Halloween.
NASA has described the Orionids as "one of the most beautiful showers of the year."
The Lucy spacecraft was spotted in the sky during its "very close" pass.
Samantha Cristoforetti recreated a scene from the classic film.