Senior Home Resident Shoots Three Neighbors In Wisconsin
- Four individuals were injured in a shooting incident at a senior home complex in Wisconsin
- The suspect got into an argument with three other individuals in the complex's parking lot
- The 72-year-old White male then opened fire before turning the gun to himself
- All four were airlifted and are expected to survive
A quiet senior apartment complex in Wisconsin was disturbed late Wednesday when a resident allegedly shot at three neighbors before turning the gun on himself. Though the authorities said that all four were expected to survive, one of them was in coma, according to her niece.
Dodge County Sheriff’s Office said they received a shooting report around 7:30 p.m. in the parking lot of the Spring Glen Apartments in Mayville. The suspect was described as a 72-year-old white male, ABC News reported.
Investigators said the shooter knew the victims, two of which were white women aged 53 and 64. The third was a 67-year-old Asian-American man. Fox News said the incident happened after the suspect approached them in the parking lot, brandishing a gun.

An argument then ensued between the individuals. It was here that the suspect opened fire before shooting himself. Authorities did not offer any details about the argument, while the Wisconsin Department of Justice, who is investigating the incident together with Mayville Police, did not identify the shooter and the victims by name.
All four were airlifted to local hospitals after authorities performed “life-saving measures” on the scene. They are all expected to survive.
Witnesses told WISN that the people involved in the shooting incident were residents of the building. Neighbor Diane Dields said she saw one of the female victims on the ground.
“All I keep seeing when I try to go to sleep was her laying on the ground and them telling me I couldn’t get outside and this was a shooting,” said Dields.
A man who lives in a senior apartment complex in a small Wisconsin town opened fire on three fellow residents before apparently shooting himself, authorities said Thursday.
— Killeen Daily Herald (@kdhnews) September 17, 2020
Another woman told the ABC News affiliate that one of the victims of the shooting was her aunt and that she is now in a coma after suffering gunshot wounds to her leg and chest. Her claim, however, was in contrast with that of the authorities as they have yet to release any information about the conditions of the victims.
In a telephone interview with the Associated Press, Mayor Rob Boelk described the complex as an “assisted living facility” that housed around 30 people. DOJ officials on the other hand later claimed that the complex “doesn’t provide any medical care or monitoring services” and is best described as a senior apartment complex.
Boelk continued that the suspect was under armed guard at the hospital where he is being treated.
“This is Mayville. We don’t ever really have anything like that take place in town,” Boelk said.
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