Couple Holding Hands
Pictured: A couple holds hands while meeting loved ones Getty Images/John Moore

Oftentimes, men complain about their married lives getting too mundane for the lack of sex.

Nadia Bokody, a sex blogger and YouTuber from Australia, has a solution up her sleeve. She sought to help hapless husbands rekindle their “sex-starved” marriage by reconnecting wives with their passion.

Bokody has posted a YouTube video on Dec.2 which garnered over 34,000 views as of now. She has suggested ways husbands can give their wives “an incredible and powerful orgasm.”

Men and women have many differences in terms of arousal. “Guys expect their female partners to get turned on in the same way and in the same frequency that they do,” Bokody said. “When the woman doesn’t do that they can both very wrongly assume that the woman just doesn’t have a sex drive.”

Bokody said women tend to steer away from sex because they become bored with their partner’s technique, not due to a declining libido as people generally think.

“Women get sexually bored a lot faster than men. If sex becomes repetitive, over time that woman will lose interest in having sex with that partner," Bokody said. “Women crave very high amounts of sexual novelty.”

Bokody typically advised the male partner to build up the sexual tension for 24 hours and not just before sex. Women take far longer to arouse as compared to men, Bokody said.

“Recount a sexual encounter and give her little bits of that memory throughout the day. Women love it when you get super descriptive,” she said. Bokody said a deep and passionate goodbye kiss when she is leaving for work will work wonders.

Many of her followers found the video helpful. “You have helped me and my wife so much with your advice, thank you,” one said.

Another follower, who seemed to relate to the problems, said he “struggled with being predictable.”

“Sorry I didn't have this available to me 50 years ago,” another person commented.