SLIDESHOW: Reading Rainbow Flash Mob Gains Steam (With Geordi La Forge Photo)
Yes, it's true: LeVar Burton is convening a Reading Rainbow Flash Mob, in what could be a zany, enthralling blast to the past for many Millennials who watched his show on PBS waaaay back. This could be your only chance to come together with thousands of other people and sing, I can be anything. Take a's in a book...a Reading Rainbow.
Remember, you can go anywhere, kids.
As the Reading Rainbow Flash Mob movement blows up on Twitter, Burton has reached out to Paula Abdul and Ryan Seacrest, among others, to pitch in.
Just about an hour ago, Burton (@levarburton) wrote, Having amazing conversations with some powerful partners who want to join us in the #ReadingRainbowFlashmob IT'S ON!
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