It involves a complex gene-editing technology called Crispr.
The low validity and usefulness of self-reported sexual behavior data is very bad news for public health officials.
A South African researcher may have just brought the world one step closer toward discovering a cure for HIV and AIDS.
Scientists were able to gain control of the virus' replication process and enhance the body's immunity to it.
Wales will now consider allowing doctors to prescribe the anti-HIV drug to healthy patients.
Billionaires like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have ponied up billions to fight diseases around the world while Google is trying to extend life expectancy.
Scientists at Case Western Reserve University's medical school received $2.5 million in funding to test two never-before-combined AIDS medicines.
The infection rate, found in France, has been blamed on high-risk sexual behaviors.
Fans can also win a chance to hang out with DJ Khaled for a Snapchat and jet ski adventure.
Gaëtan Dugas, a Canadian flight attendant long demonized as the person responsible for the spread of the AIDS epidemic in the U.S., did not bring the disease to the country, a new study revealed.
Scientists conducted an experimental treatment on monkeys combining old techniques and new with promising results.
An estimated 1.5 million cases of chlamydia were reported in 2015.
New studies could be an important first step toward a vaccine for the disease.
Researchers found that several labs were ill-equipped to conduct HIV-infection monitoring tests, which may hinder diagnosis and treatment efforts.
The number of deaths caused by viral hepatitis had risen by about 63 percent, according to a report based on data collected from 183 countries between 1990 and 2013.
The former secretary of state said she misspoke when she praised the late first lady for her response to the blossoming health crisis.
Uthukela Mayor Dudu Mazibuko said the scholarship for virgin young women is intended to "reduce HIV, AIDS and unwanted pregnancy."
The AIDS virus is far more common in gay and bisexual black men.
While returning from his Africa trip, Pope Francis said the continent faced more urgent concerns than condom use, such as malnutrition and environmental damage.
Adolescents are the only age group for which the mortality figures are not decreasing, according to a new report from Unicef.
Sir Elton John wants to open a dialogue on the issue of gay rights with the Russian leader.
The manufacturer says its new drug for HIV, Genvoya, showed reduced side effects over the long term.