FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski

AT&T Sues FCC Over Plan to Expand Broadband Service

AT&T seeks a review of the FCC decision on the grounds that it exceeds the Commission's authority; is contrary to the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by the Telecommunications Act of 1996; and is arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, and otherwise contrary to law.
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Apple TV

Apple Testing iTV with AT&T, Verizon: Analyst

Apple, Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is steadily making progress on its ambition to enter consumers' living rooms, via its own television sets called iTV, which are expected to be launched in the first half of 2012.
Verizon president McAdam talks on stage with Verizon CEO Seidenberg and Consumer Electronics Association President Shapiro on the opening day of the CES in Las Vegas

Verizon to Take on Netflix with Web Service

Verizon Communications Inc plans to launch a standalone service allowing customers to stream movies and television shows over the Web, in a fresh challenge to Netflix Inc and the traditional cable TV business, according to several people briefed on the plan.
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Leap, Verizon Wireless exchange spectrum

Leap Wireless International Inc on Monday swapped wireless airwaves with Verizon Wireless in a series of deals aimed at beefing up its presence in the Chicago area.
A woman talks on her phone as she walks past T-mobile and Sprint wireless stores in New York

Sprint-Clearwire Saga Nears Critical Point

The developments in AT&T's (NYSE:T) attempt to buy T-Mobile over the past week have overshadowed Sprint Nextel Corp. (NYSE:S) and Clearwire's (NASDAQ:CLWR) behind the scenes effort to salvage their relationship in the form of a new agreement by Sprint to wholesale future LTE capacity from Clearwire.
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Clearwire seen reaching Sprint funding deal

Clearwire Corp is expected to reach a funding agreement with Sprint Nextel at least by year-end and possibly in time for Clearwire's December 1 debt interest payment deadline, according to people following a standoff between the wireless service providers.

Clearwire, Sprint Expected to Reach Funding Deal: Reuters

Clearwire is expected to reach a funding deal with Sprint Nextel at the end of the year, and may even reach an agreement to prevent Clearwire from missing its $237 million debt payment due Thursday, sources close to the matter told Reuters.

Verizon to Pay Monthly Royalties for Patent Infringement

Verizon Communications must pay up to $11 million a month in royalties to San Jose-based ActiveVideoNetworks for providing FiOS TV customers with video-on-demand service found to violate patents, a U.S. District Court ruled.


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