Will President Obama's cybersecurity directive protect U.S. companies and networks from Chinese hackers?
Facebook Inc. discovered it was the victim of a “sophisticated attack” on its network last month, but the company delayed announcing the attack until Friday. It has assured users that no personal data has been compromised.
By failing to focus on cybersecurity, the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee botched its hearing on Chuck Hagel as defense secretary.
China's cyberespionage entity known as APT-12 seems to be behind the attack on the New York Times. What else do we know about APT-12?
The New York Times published an online article Wednesday evening alleging that "Chinese hackers have persistently attacked The New York Times" over the past four months.
The military will boost the force assigned to fighting cyberattacks to 4,900 from only 900 now.
China isn't new to the No. 1 spot as the biggest source of cyberattacks, but it had never originated such an overwhelming majority of them.
The U.N. nuclear watchdog Tuesday acknowledged that one of its servers had been hacked, after the hackers posted the stolen data online earlier this week.
For 12 years, Chief Privacy Officer of IBM (NYSE: IBM) Harriet Pearson, in private practice, warns companies aren't ready for cyberattack.
Barnes & Noble said its credit card machines in 63 stores across nine states were hacked and will take fraud-protection measures.
In a clearly worded acknowledgement, digital publishing firm BlueToad confirmed that it was the source of Apple UDID leaks reported last week, Reuters reported.
Even as FBI denied Antisec Hacker group's claim that it stole personal identification data from millions of Apple device owners, news of Obama's iPad being compromised is making rounds in technology circuits.
Technology firms Amazon and Apple have decided not to entertain account change and password reset requests over phone following hacking of iCloud account of Wired reporter August 3. Besides, Amazon and Apple are likely to enforce stringent security measures against growing hacking concerns.
Apple sidestepped security procedures and inadvertently allowed hackers to access an Apple user's iCloud account that resulted in massive data loss, the Forbes reported Sunday.
Dropbox, the online file storage site confirmed Tuesday that a small number of accounts were hacked on its services and the organization has introduced security features that improve account safety and facilitate robust recovery.
All eight are accused of conspiring to intercept communications between 13 October 2001 and 9 August 2006, including the alleged hacking of the mobile phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler.
Using equipment supplied by Chinese electronics giants Huawei Technologies and ZTE corporation, the People's Liberation Army and the government have back door access to a vast majority of the world's electronic information, including sensitive military and intelligence data, Michael Maloof claims.
America's leading cyber warrior is distressed about a potentially grim future for cyber-security.
Cat ladies, cockroach slaves, and zombie ants: What do they have in common? They're all probably the unwitting victims of brain-hacking parasites.
Felix Roque, the Democratic Mayor of West New York, N.J., and son Joseph Roque have both been arrested on charges of hacking into a website and various emails in an effort to identify the parties plotting to rally against him.
The Crown Prosecution Service confirmed they are charging Rupert Murdoch's former right hand woman in relation to the phone hacking scandal, which has rocked the British establishment and resulted in the closure of tabloid newspaper the News of The World.
Before getting arrested on charges of intercepting phone messages of celebrities, politicians and other public figures, Rebekah Brooks was British journalist, editor and chief executive of Rupert Murdoch's British newspaper subsidiary, News International.