The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), one of the most powerful interest groups in the United States, has launched a new ad campaign to protect benefits seniors have earned through a lifetime of hard work.
The rhetoric is getting hot and heavy inside the beltway regarding the debt talks. On Tuesday, the Republicans essentially said the Democrats haven't offered a viable debt deal proposal and President Obama said Republican reluctance to compromise could prevent senior citizens from receiving Social Security payments on August 3.
President Barack Obama has shifted his strategy in debt talks with Republicans, offering a substantially larger deficit reduction package that would include cuts to Medicare and Social Security in exchange for eliminating tax breaks.
As if Republicans didn't have enough to dislike about President Barack Obama's health care law, a new Associated Press report states that a glitch in the health care law could mean that several million middle-class people could get nearly free insurance meant for the poor.
The American Association of Retired Persons has announced it is open to cutting Social Security benefits, a change of course for the politically influential organization that could bolster efforts for entitlement reform.
For all the tough talk about budget cuts, when push comes to shove, Americans aren't willing to make the sacrifices to get there. The New York special election for the House seat of the 26th district proved this much.
Herman Cain is the new exciting Republican candidate in the 2012 presidential race. He has won several straw polls and the first debate among 2012 Republican candidates.
The following are remarks by President Barack Obama, as prepared for delivery, on addressing long-term United States and the deficit on April 13, 2011 at George Washington University, in Washington D.C.
In gathering parts of Social Security numbers from children for a contest, Google's data gathering has come under fire again.
President Barack Obama's fiscal 2012 budget proposal to Congress showed a small decline from what is expected to be the previous year's budget, with the deficit set to decrease by nearly a third thanks mostly to higher taxes.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Tuesday that the United States needs to cut the corporate tax rate substantially with a goal in the high 20 percent range, down from the current 35 percent. A day after the White House unveiled a budget that seeks to trim the country's massive deficit, Geithner reiterated that the Obama administration
In the highly politicized U.S. battle over pensions and health care, leading Republican lawmakers will take the first crack at the long-term financial problems at least by next late next month, according to Rep. Eric Cantor R-VA.
Though the budget makes a start in the deficit reduction front, it avoids addressing some really big questions, according to Nigel Gault, chief U.S. economist at IHS Global Insight.
The number of identity fraud incidents decreased by more than a quarter in the US last year, recording the lowest levels since 2007, said a survey by Javelin Strategy & Research.
President Barack Obama will propose giving financial relief to U.S. states struggling with high unemployment insurance debt, the White House said on Tuesday, hoping that a lifeline now will avoid bailouts later.
Ratings agency Standard & Poor’s has downgraded the sovereign credit rating of Japan, the third-biggest economy in the world, to AA- from AA.
Thirty provinces in China raised minimum wages by the end of 2010 as inflation, particular those of food items, surged last year.
President Barack Obama will propose that Congress adopt a 5-year freeze on non-security discretionary spending, extending a previous call for a 3-year freeze, senior administration officials said, according to reports.
Speculation is simmering as to what, precisely, President Obama will say in tonight’s State of the Union address. The White House has been speaking in general terms about the speech, resulting in opinions flying about what, if anything, he may actually propose.
Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff plans a series of payroll tax cuts in coming years in a bid to promote formal hiring at domestic companies, Folha de S. Paulo newspaper reported on Friday, giving no details of its sources.
A new study has found that the risk of elderly black Americans facing poverty was double that of elderly white Americans. It says although 32.7 percent of older white Americans will experience at least one year below the official poverty line, the corresponding percentage for older black Americans was double that at 64.6 percent.
President Barack Obama defended his compromise with Republicans on extending tax cuts for wealthier Americans, saying it was urgent to keep millions of Americans from losing unemployment insurance payments.