Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner may introduce private funding as one component of his bank bailout plan to help institutions deal with the bad debt weighing on their balance sheets.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner may introduce private funding as one component of his bank bailout plan to help institutions deal with the bad debt weighing on their balance sheets.
Wall Street gave back some of last week's big gains Monday as euphoria over the government's expected stimulus bill waned amid more grim corporate news.
The Obama administration has delayed the announcement for a plan to overhaul the financial system until Tuesday as officials work on passing an important economic stimulus package in the Senate and with some questions remaining about specific aspects of the Treasury's bailout plan.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is expected to deliver a speech on Monday about a comprehensive plan for the economy.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is expected to deliver a speech on Monday about a comprehensive plan for the economy.
This week, seven major corporations announced major layoffs, adding 72,000 to the unemployed. At the same time, lending by the big banks fell. With falling demand for loans,
President Barack Obama announced a new pay limit of $500,000 for top executives at firms receiving federal aid in the midst of the current economic crisis.
President Barack Obama announced a new pay limit of $500,000 for top executives at firms receiving federal aid in the midst of the current economic crisis.
There is talk among top U.S. officials about a partial solution to the current financial crisis which involves creating a so-called 'bad bank,' but what exactly is the concept behind it?
President Barack Obama's administration has delayed the presentation of its full financial rescue plan by one week until the second week of February, senior officials in the administration said, according to CNN.
President Barack Obama called Wall Street corporate decisions to pay employees more than $18 billion in bonuses last year 'shameful' and 'the height of irresponsibility' even as the firms receive billions of dollars in bailout money to move beyond the current economic crisis.
The pound rose for a third day against the dollar and climbed versus the euro as Citigroup Inc. recommended buying Lloyds Banking Group Plc shares
A Chinese diplomat says the U.S. knows China is not a currency manipulator, saying it's unfair for the nation to suddenly change its stance, according to a report.
The Senate Finance Committee confirmed the nomination of Timothy Geithner, 47, as President Barack Obama's Secretary of the Treasury.
Treasury Secretary designate Timothy Geithner explained himself to senators after questions were raised about his non-payment of taxes and the immigration status of a former housekeeper.
The Obama administration pledged on Thursday to back beleaguered mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac no matter how big their losses may be in the next three years.
New York Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Timothy Geithner defended the bank's decision to assist in the JPMorgan Chase merger with Bear Stearns, saying it was the best option available under the circumstances.
The four largest U.S. banks, led by Citigroup and Bank of America Corp., took the unusual step of borrowing $2 billion directly from the Federal Reserve on Wednesday, as the Fed tries to stabilize tempestuous financial markets by adding money to the banking system.
A group of major banks meeting in a conference call with U.S. monetary policy officials expressed strong support for the Federal Reserve's move on Friday to bring stability to volatile financial markets by reducing the discount lending rate.