Software Development Company Nexcom Launches Generative AI Tech That'll Revolutionize The Call Center Industry
Nexcom is announcing the launch of their generative AI customer service programming that increases the success rate of call center services to far above 95%.
The Nexcom technology uses generative AI and analytical AI to significantly decrease the workload within the call center. Users of the software have two options depending on the needs of the organization.

The first is to hand over full authority to the AI allowing the system to automatically reply to the customer's every need. This is not simply limited to the AI communicating with customers as it can also have full access to the company data, allowing the system to pull the customer's records up and fulfill their every need. The second option is for the AI to complete each reply but require a member of staff to approve the content. This allows the company to stay in complete control while giving employees a streamlined and time efficient tool.
The current path many organizations have taken to cost reduction is outsourcing the work to other nations in low cost areas. This has mainly been a cost cutting method with the customer's satisfaction being but a second thought. Due to this the customer response has for the most part been negative overall. With the technological advancements and the launch of its platform. Nexcom is giving organizations an alternative option to not only reduce costs but also put the customer's satisfaction at the forefront.
Nexcom started with analytical AI and transcription technology to monitor and understand every aspect of how a call center operates. The company was then able to determine the most valuable insights into how a call center can improve its operations through the AI technology they have developed.
Nexcom developed the technology to improve the performance throughout the call center industry. The CEO of Nexcom, Rolf Adamson, has over 25 years working in the customer service industry. He has first hand experience on the needs of providing better operational methods to call centers around the world. According to Adamson, the AI customer service technology consolidates all of a center's digital operating systems into one platform.
"I have worked with companies that had to train their staff in 120 different operating systems, and that causes too much time and money to be wasted in training and maintenance," says Adamson. "The customer service AI technology we have developed eliminates the need for many of those systems as the AI can take over a vast amount of the functions that they are performing. We've created a system that allows the call center agents to service the customers and let the AI do the rest. Because of our vast experience within the industry ourselves, we know what our clients need. That is the exact reason we built our platform on the world's only recognized performance management standard copc. You could almost say we made this program to fit the exact needs that we ourselves had during our time in the industry."
According to Adamson, the AI technology Nexcom has developed is the first of its kind. He says other AI platforms don't have the capacity to go in and change information in another platform and begin taking on the operations. The Nexcom AI software has over a 95% accuracy rate when finding and delivering information and completing workload tasks for the call center. Adamson says other AI platforms only have around a 70-80% accuracy rate, which can transition into many errors for a company.
The successful implementation of Nexcom's AI software into their client's software platforms has enabled the company to begin on the development of a fully automated AI customer service that incorporates voice technology.