Cutting back on your coffee intake during breakfast can help in lowering your blood pressure reading. This is what medical practitioners have advised to the busy men and women of today.

High blood pressure (HBP) can no longer be considered a rare condition. It is quite normal today to hear somebody suffering from HBP. When HBP is not arrested, it can lead to health issues that could prove disastrous to one’s health. Because of the gravity of its effects, many people are continually finding ways and means to lower their blood pressure.

According to a report made by NHS, cutting back on coffee intake can help in reducing blood pressure levels. The health institution stated that when a person drinks more than four cups of coffee a day, he can suffer from increased blood pressure. Research has found that the blood pressure jumps up for a short time after drinking due to the caffeine content of coffee.

Cutting back on coffee can help lower high blood pressure. Geraldoswald62 - Pixabay

Thirty-four studies were reviewed, and the common denominator among them was the increase of blood pressure after intake of 200-300mg of caffeine. The increase recorded was 8mmHg in systolic and 6mmHg in diastolic blood pressure.

This was observed for up to three hours after coffee consumption. There was no difference between those with normal blood pressure and those who were already suffering from high blood pressure.

There was one positive note, though, which coffee lovers may find as a relief. The study also showed that regular consumption of coffee was not associated with as much impact on the individual’s blood pressure. Accordingly, this may be because of the caffeine-tolerance that frequent consumers of coffee develop overtime.

Despite this, NHS still advocates cutting down coffee consumption even for coffee lovers. It also included tea and cola in the list of beverages that one should cut down to lower blood pressure.

Other foods that need to be cut down from the diet include salty foods. Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits is highly advised.

Some lifestyle changes that a person can incorporate alongside a healthy diet include engaging in regular exercises, losing extra pounds, quitting smoking, and cutting back on alcohol.