• Symbols that resemble crop circles appeared in Isla del Carmen
  • The symbols appeared in nature reserve protected by UNESCO
  • A UFO expert believes the symbols were made by aliens

Several strange symbols resembling crop circles were spotted along the beaches of a nature reserve in Mexico that’s protected by UNESCO. According to a UFO expert, the symbols could have been made by intelligent alien life forms.

The symbols appeared on the beaches of an island in Mexico known as Isla del Carmen, which is situated in the Gulf of California. It is classified as a nature reserve and is under the protection of UNESCO.

According to the YouTube channel shadowland.13, photos of the mysterious symbols were taken by a helicopter pilot of the aviation company Specialized Aero as he was passing over the island. Based on the photos, the symbols were drawn on the sand and featured same-sized circles. Each of the circles was connected to each other by straight lines that were also drawn on the sand.

The symmetrical appearance and vastness of the symbols closely resemble the crop circles that usually appear in cornfields. Due to their mysterious nature, these symbols have been associated with UFOs and alien entities.

According to Scott Waring of ET Data Base, the strange symbols that appeared in Isla del Carmen resemble the structure of atoms or a new element.

“The beach area was littered with huge circles that were tied together,” he wrote on a blog post. “They almost appear like we are looking at giant atoms...or perhaps the atomic structure of a totally new element.”

Waring noted that the area where the symbols appeared is a protected site, which means people are not allowed to wander through it without proper authorization or a guide. Because of this, he believes that it is highly unlikely that the symbols were made by humans. He suggested that alien life forms may have taken advantage of the island’s remote nature to establish a base there.

“This island is forbidden for anyone to step onto it,” he stated. “It’s considered a wildlife refuge...or so they say. But maybe a hidden island that is used by aliens as a base location. These circles should not exist on an island where there are no humans on it. Obviously these circles were made by intelligent beings...if no humans...then aliens.”

Crop Circle found in Chualar, Ca, now known to be created by NVIDIA. Courtesy of Tech Crunch