• A study revealed many parents want their kids to drop their smartphones after long lockdown
  • Engaging in both indoor and outdoor activities will be good for children
  • Too much screen time can harm the development of kids

With months of lockdown, many American parents now want their children to finally let go of their phones and tablets and do some other activities. This was the result of the survey conducted by Southwest News Service (SWNS).

The study was conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Circle Media Labs, a tech company that provides solutions on how to effectively manage and monitor online screen time, including the content from any device. Results of the survey of 2,000 American parents revealed that 68% are already planning to impose a limit on the screen time of the family for the summer. It also showed that 48% of the respondents indicated that they have a “digital curfew” being implemented at home.

Traditional Set of Activities

Katie Mills, the VP of Product at Circle, stated that in a lot of ways, the summer for this year would look more like the ones experienced by parents and grandparents before. As compared to just sitting at one corner and looking at the screen, there would be long and unscheduled days where kids will experience the freedom from structured activities.

many parents want their children to drop phones after lockdown
many parents want their children to drop phones after lockdown 46173 - Pixabay

In a FoxNews report, Mills highlighted though that this will be a huge adjustment for many people. She then underscored the importance of finding a good balance between the time spent on a device versus the time that kids will not be using their smartphones or tablets.

She suggested the creation of a routine that would incorporate a variety of activities. It would be a combination of indoor and outdoor pursuits. Some activities that Mills mentioned include nostalgic balloon fights and scavenger hunts. Those who love to bake can hone their skills with a parent or a guardian instead of focusing on their smartphones and other devices. Aside from engaging in these activities, being strict with a specific time to be online plays an important role.

The Circle’s VP of Product said that families must look for the “simple joys of summer.” She even mentioned incorporating family BBQs, watching outdoor movies, and enjoying backyard sprinklers.

Too Much Screen Time

WebMD stated that a study on child development showed that kids who are being put in front of screens are exhibiting signs of delayed development. They noted that playing video games, using a computer, watching TV, or merely goofing with tablets or smartphones, all comprise screen time. It stated that children’s screen time, especially between the ages two and five, must not exceed one hour.