Super Tuesday 2016: Evangelical Christian News Site Says Donald Trump Would Be A ‘Dangerous Leader’
Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump loves to boast about how much he is beloved by everyone, including evangelical Christians. But one influential Christian media outlet is saying it’s not true.
Self-described as the largest evangelical news site in the U.S., the Christian Post broke with its long-standing tradition of not taking stands on political candidates by publishing an editorial excoriating Trump, who is expected to sweep most of the 13 Super Tuesday states.
“We are making an exception because Trump is exceptionally bad and claims to speak for and represent the interests of evangelicals,” the editorial reads, adding that Trump would be a “dangerous leader” for the U.S.
Evangelical Christians make up the largest proportions of GOP voters in most states conducting presidential-nomination contests Super Tuesday, with the exception of Massachusetts, according to the Pew Research Center. Meanwhile, exit polls indicated white evangelical voters were split between the billionaire businessman Trump (34 percent), U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas (26 percent) and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida (21 percent) in the Republican Party’s South Carolina primary election last month.
Titled “Donald Trump Is a Scam. Evangelical Voters Should Back Away (CP Editorial),” the Christian Post piece questions Trump’s claim of having a sincere Christian faith. “Trump claims to be a Christian, yet says he has never asked for forgiveness,” it says.
Penned by senior editors at the outlet, the editorial goes on to say that there are “certain non-negotiable actions needed to become a Christian: One must repent of their sins and follow Christ as Lord and Savior. Trump doesn’t talk this way, even when urged to.”

The editorial also calls Trump a “misogynist and a philanderer” who “demeans women and minorities. His preferred forms of communication are insults, obscenities and untruths. While Christians have been guilty of all of these, we, unlike Trump, acknowledge our sins, ask for forgiveness and seek restitution with the aid of the Holy Spirit and our community of believers.”
The piece also attacks Trump’s career in business, calling into question his business ethics and practices. In addition, it attacks Trump’s ignorance of the U.S. Constitution and his “stated willingness to ignore the authority of the Supreme Court.”
The piece concludes: “This is a critical time in American history and we call on all Christians to pray for personal repentance, divine forgiveness and spiritual awakening for our nation. It is not the time for Donald Trump.”
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